Maximizing Small Space Living with Simple Shapes Wall Decals and Wallpaper

Maximizing Small Space Living with Simple Shapes Wall Decals and Wallpaper

September 12, 2023

Small space living requires creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness to maximize every square inch of your home while maintaining a stylish and comfortable atmosphere. Wall decals and temporary wallpaper from Simple Shapes offer an exciting range of design options specially tailored for compact living spaces, designed to optimize storage, functionality, and aesthetics. 

In this blog post, we will explore various strategies for incorporating Simple Shapes' wall decals and temporary wallpaper to make the most of your small living space. We will focus on essential elements such as creative storage and organization solutions, space-enhancing visual tricks, and multi-functional wall decor options. Whether you're living in a tiny apartment, a cozy cottage, or simply looking to optimize a compact room, Simple Shapes offers a diverse collection of wall decor designed to maximize space, efficiency, and style.

Join us as we delve into the art of small space living, showcasing how Simple Shapes' expertly crafted wall decals and temporary wallpaper can transform cramped quarters into stylish, functional, and comfortable living spaces. Discover how innovative design solutions, combined with strategic use of wall decor, can help you make the most of limited square footage, creating a harmonious and organized living environment that feels anything but claustrophobic.

Creative Storage and Organization Solutions

Maximize the utility of your small living space by incorporating Simple Shapes' wall decals and temporary wallpaper with integrated storage and organization options, ensuring a clutter-free and functional environment.

1. Wall-Mounted Storage Solutions

Choose wall decals and temporary wallpaper with built-in storage components, such as shelves or hooks, to effectively utilize vertical space and create additional storage opportunities without consuming valuable floor space.

2. Making the Most of Corners and Recesses

Incorporate wall decor designs that capitalize on underutilized corners or recessed areas of your living space, transforming them into functional storage, display, or seating options.

3. Multi-purpose Organizational Solutions

Opt for wall decals that not only offer storage but also provide organization through visual cues, such as labeled cubbies or designated spaces for specific items, maintaining an orderly and efficient living environment.

Space-Enhancing Visual Tricks

Utilize design techniques and innovative wall decals or temporary wallpaper from Simple Shapes to create the illusion of a larger, more spacious living environment.

1. Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Use mirrors or wall decals with reflective surfaces to create an impression of more space by bouncing light and visually expanding the room.

2. Strategic Use of Color and Pattern

Incorporate wall decor in lighter shades or streamlined patterns that draw the eye upward or elongate the room, giving the appearance of a larger, more open space.

3. Clear Boundaries and Defined Zones

Use wall decals and temporary wallpaper to visually differentiate between various functional areas within your small living space, providing a sense of clarity and spaciousness.

Multi-Functional Wall Decor Options

Select versatile wall decals and temporary wallpaper from Simple Shapes that serve multiple purposes, allowing them to adapt to your evolving needs, and making the most of your limited living space.

1. Transformative and Adaptable Designs

Choose wall decor that can easily transition between different functions or purposes, such as fold-away desks or convertible seating, ensuring your living space adapts to your changing needs and requirements.

2. Combining Function and Aesthetics

Opt for wall decals and temporary wallpaper that merge form and function, providing both practical storage solutions and visually appealing design elements.

3. Customizable Layouts

Experiment with repositionable wall decals or temporary wallpaper that allows for easy changes and updates, enabling you to redesign your living space as needed, without the commitment of permanent alterations.

Maintaining a Sense of Style and Comfort

Ensure your small living space remains a stylish and welcoming environment by incorporating expertly crafted wall decals and temporary wallpaper from Simple Shapes that reflect your personal taste and promote a cozy atmosphere.

1. Personalized Wall Decor

Select wall decals and temporary wallpaper that reflect your unique style, interests, and preferences, creating an environment that feels distinctly your own.

2. Creating a Cozy Atmosphere

Incorporate wall decor that promotes warmth and comfort, such as soft textures, inviting colors, or soothing patterns, to cultivate a welcoming and relaxed living space.

3. Embracing Minimalism and Simplicity

Opt for wall decals and temporary wallpaper that embrace simplicity and minimalism, ensuring your living space feels uncluttered, open, and inviting, despite its limited size.


Making the most of your small living space is achievable with the expertly designed wall decals and temporary wallpaper from Simple Shapes. By focusing on creative storage, space-enhancing visual tricks, multi-functional wall decor, and maintaining a sense of style and comfort, you can create a functional, stylish, and comfortable environment that transcends the limitations of square footage.

Led by a husband-and-wife team of an Architect and a Graphic Designer, Simple Shapes is the leader in modern wall decals, stickers, and temporary wallpaper, delivering high-quality and innovative solutions for small spaces. Our extensive collection of wall decor solutions can bring to your small living space, effectively breathing new life into cramped quarters. Embark on a journey toward a more spacious, organized, and aesthetically pleasing living environment. Browse our versatile wall decor solutions today and ensure that every square inch of your home is utilized effectively and efficiently!

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