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Elevate Your Video Call Background with Stylish and Professional Wall Decor Solutions
February 19, 2024

Elevate Your Video Call Background with Stylish and Professional Wall Decor Solutions

In today's increasingly remote work environment, video calls and virtual meetings have become the norm. Ensuring that your home office background projects professionalism and creates a positive impression during these calls is crucial. The leader in modern wall decals, stickers, and temporary wallpaper, Simple Shapes offers a diverse range of stylish and unique wallcovering solutions that can enhance your video call backgrounds, helping you maintain a polished and professional image.

These expertly crafted designs are brilliantly curated by a husband-and-wife team of an Architect and a Graphic Designer, combining their keen design sense and innovative thinking.

In this blog post, we will explore various ways to create the perfect video call background using Simple Shapes' wall decals and temporary wallpaper. We will focus on key factors such as projecting a professional image, representing your personal style, creating a visually appealing and clutter-free background, and ensuring consistency with a variety of video call platforms.

Whether you want to refresh your existing home office background or build a new one from scratch, Simple Shapes provides a wide array of wall decor options that can help you achieve a stunning and put-together backdrop for your video calls, seamlessly integrating with your overall home office design.

Uncover the secrets behind achieving a flawless and professional video call backdrop, and learn how to make a lasting impression during virtual meetings by tapping into the transformative potential of wall decor in your home office. With Simple Shapes, you can create the perfect environment for remote working, effortlessly bridging the gap between the digital and the physical.

Projecting a Professional Image

Craft an exemplary video call background using Simple Shapes wall decals and temporary wallpaper that helps you project a professional image, instilling trust and confidence in your colleagues and clients.

  • Thoughtful and Minimalist Design: Opt for wall decor solutions with clean, minimalist, and refined designs that convey a sense of professionalism, focusing on subtle yet impactful visuals that enhance your home office without distracting from your video calls.
  • Balance Between Formality and Comfort: Choose wall decals and temporary wallpaper that strike the perfect balance between formality and comfort, ensuring that your background instills confidence while still reflecting the warmth of your home environment.
  • Relevant Subject Matter: Select wall decor with subject matter relevant to your industry or profession, adding a personalized touch that highlights your expertise and aligns with your professional identity.

Representing Your Personal Style

Create a video call background that reflects your unique personal style by opting for Simple Shapes' wide array of modern wall decals and temporary wallpaper, showcasing your individuality and creativity.

  • Finding Your Signature Motif or Pattern: Choose wall decor that features a signature motif or pattern that resonates with your personal taste, allowing your home office background to become an extension of your style and personality.
  • Incorporating Color and Texture: Incorporate wall decals and temporary wallpaper that experiment with color and texture, enlivening your background and injecting a touch of creativity into your virtual workspace. Be mindful of choosing colors or textures that do not appear too busy or distracting on camera.
  • Showcasing Your Passions and Interests: Display wall decor that highlights your passions and interests, incorporating elements that speak to your hobbies, achievements, or aspirations, adding depth and character to your video call background.

Creating a Visually Appealing and Clutter-Free Background

Design a visually appealing and clutter-free video call background by incorporating Simple Shapes' wall decals and temporary wallpaper, ensuring that your virtual office space remains tidy and distraction-free.

  • Harmonizing Your Background with Your Existing Home Office: Select wall decor options that complement your existing home office furniture, lighting, and accessories, ensuring a harmonious and cohesive aesthetic that enhances your overall workspace.
  • Using Wall Decor to Conceal Imperfections: Choose wall decals and temporary wallpaper solutions that can effectively conceal wall imperfections or unwanted elements in your workspace, creating a polished and clean backdrop for your video calls.
  • Organizational Wall Decals and Storage Solutions: Incorporate organizational wall decals that offer storage solutions, such as shelves or hooks, to help keep your workspace clean and clutter-free, maintaining a minimalistic and focused video call background.

Ensuring Consistency with Video Call Platforms

Design your video call background in a way that ensures consistency and compatibility with various video call platforms, making certain that your Simple Shapes wall decor appears as intended on camera.

  • Understanding Video Quality and Framing: Choose wall decals and temporary wallpaper solutions that translate well across multiple video call platforms and remain visible despite video quality and framing constraints, guaranteeing that your background remains consistent throughout your virtual meetings.
  • Lighting Considerations: Incorporate wall decor options that work well with different lighting conditions, ensuring that your video call background remains visually engaging and consistent, regardless of the time of day or artificial lighting in your home office.
  • Testing Your Background Before Official Calls: Test your finalized video call background on all relevant video call platforms to ensure that your Simple Shapes wall decor appears as intended, making any necessary adjustments or modifications before participating in official meetings or calls.


Achieving a professional, stylish, and clutter-free video call background is well within reach when you utilize the diverse, innovative, and modern wall decals and temporary wallpaper solutions offered by Simple Shapes. By focusing on projecting a professional image, representing your personal style, creating a visually appealing and organized space, and ensuring consistency with video call platforms, you can establish a polished and lasting impression in your virtual office environment.

Upgrade your video call game with Simple Shapes' Wall Decor! Discover the transformative power of wall decor in crafting the perfect backdrop for your home office. Elevate your workspace into a more polished and comfortable environment with our variety of tools and inspiration. With our help, you can confidently navigate the world of remote work, knowing that your background reflects your professionalism and unique personality. Let Simple Shapes help bring your vision to life. Shop now and transform your video calls!

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A Guide to Choosing Wall Decor for Open Floor Plan Homes
February 19, 2024

A Guide to Choosing Wall Decor for Open Floor Plan Homes

The open floor plan concept has gained immense popularity over the years, as it provides an airy, spacious feel to modern homes by connecting different areas, such as the living room, dining room, and kitchen. While such connected spaces enhance the flow and functionality of a home, decorating open floor plan homes can be challenging when it comes to offering a sense of visual cohesion and defining distinct spaces.

Innovative wall decor solutions, such as those provided by Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, can help in achieving this balance.

In this blog article, we will explore the various aspects of wall decor in open floor plan homes, providing invaluable design tips and ideas for a harmonious, visually appealing space. We will discuss the unique features of open floor plan homes, offer insights on how to define distinct spaces using wall decals and wallpaper, and share advice on visually connecting or separating areas for maximum impact.

With Simple Shapes' wide range of wall decor solutions, homeowners can effortlessly create a cohesive and stunning environment in their open floor plan homes.

Understanding the Open Floor Plan Concept

Gain insights into the unique features and considerations of open floor plan homes, laying a foundation for incorporating wall decor that enhances the flow and functionality of connected spaces.

  • Advantages of Open Floor Plans: Discover the various benefits of open floor plan homes, such as increased natural light, enhanced social interaction, and the illusion of larger, more spacious areas.
  • Challenges of Decorating Open Spaces: Uncover the challenges and complexities of decorating open floor plan homes, including the need for visual cohesion and the importance of defining distinct spaces while maintaining continuity.
  • Creating a Focal Point: Learn the value of establishing a focal point in open floor plan homes, using wall decor to draw attention to key architectural features or areas of interest that anchor your overall design.

Utilizing Wall Decals and Wallpaper to Define Distinct Spaces

Explore the creative possibilities of using Simple Shapes' wall decals and wallpaper to define distinct spaces in open floor plan homes, offering visual cues and boundaries without disrupting the overall flow.

  • Zone Separation with Color and Patterns: Discover how to use wall decals and wallpaper patterns featuring varied colors and designs to visually separate distinct zones within your open floor plan space, such as the living, dining and kitchen areas.
  • Temporary Boundaries with Removable Decals: Experience the flexibility and adaptability of removable wall decals in adjusting space divisions as your needs evolve, enabling easy reconfigurations and updates to your open floor plan home.
  • Custom Decals for Personalized Spaces: Embrace the opportunity to showcase your personality and style preferences with customized wall decals, creating a unique visual language that distinguishes separate spaces within your open floor plan home.

Design Tips for Visually Connecting or Separating Areas in Open Floor Plan Homes

Discover valuable design tips for using wall decor to either visually connect or separate areas within open floor plan homes, striking the right balance between cohesion and definition.

  • Creating Harmony with Coordinated Colors: Achieve a harmonious and unified design in your open floor plan home by coordinating the color schemes of your wall decor products, such as using a consistent accent color throughout each distinct space.
  • Utilizing Themed Wall Decor for Cohesion: Explore the use of themed wall decor, such as nature-inspired decals or geometric patterns, to create a cohesive design story that visually connects different areas within your open floor plan home.
  • Using Bold Contrasts for Space Definition: Experiment with bold contrasts in colors or designs of your wall decor to create visual barriers where desired, clearly distinguishing and defining separate spaces within your open floor plan home.

Enhancing the Overall Aesthetic of Open Floor Plan Homes with Wall Decor

Learn how to transform the overall aesthetic of your open floor plan home by incorporating innovative wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes, making your space feel inviting, stylish, and visually engaging.

  • Statement Pieces and Wall Art: Explore how statement wall decals or art pieces can serve as conversation starters and strengthen the overall design impact of your open floor plan home, reinforcing your chosen themes or color palettes.
  • Introducing Texture and Depth: Discover the power of wallpaper patterns or wall decals featuring texture or depth to enhance the visual interest of your open floor plan home, making your space feel more dynamic and captivating.
  • Balancing Scale and Proportion: Master the delicate balance of scale and proportion in open floor plan homes by selecting wall decor items that complement the size and shape of your home, ensuring a visually pleasing and harmonious result.


Decorating an open floor plan home with innovative wall decor solutions such as Simple Shapes' unique, high-quality wall decals and wallpaper can significantly enhance the flow, functionality, and visual impact of connected spaces. By understanding the open floor plan concept, utilizing wall decor to define distinct spaces, and implementing design tips for visually connecting or separating areas, you can create a stunning, cohesive, and vibrant environment that perfectly suits your modern lifestyle.

Upgrade your open floor plan home with Simple Shapes' diverse collection of wall decor. Embrace endless design possibilities with our wall decals, wallpaper, and prints. Let us help you transform your space into a stylish, inviting, and spacious haven. With expert advice and innovative solutions, your open floor plan will stand out from the rest. Shop Simple Shapes' wall decor today and embrace the beauty of your unique preferences!

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visual harmony
February 12, 2024

The Art of Visual Harmony: Achieving Cohesive Interior Design with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

There's a certain magic to walking into a room and feeling an immediate sense of balance and tranquility, isn't there? And it's not by chance. It's all about the art of visual harmony, a fundamental principle in the realm of interior design. When done right, it can turn any space, no matter how plain or chaotic, into a serene sanctuary that speaks volumes about your personal style and aesthetic.

But how can you achieve this elusive visual harmony, you ask? Well, the secret is simpler than you might think—it all boils down to using simple shapes in wall decor. These shapes are everywhere around us—in nature, architecture, and even the gadgets we use every day. They are familiar and comforting, providing a sense of order and predictability in a sometimes chaotic world. By incorporating these shapes into your wall decor, you can create a visually harmonious space that feels both stylish and inviting.

Unleashing Creativity: Simple Shapes Wall Decor for Balanced Interiors

1. Principles of Visual Harmony in Interior Design

Visual harmony plays a crucial role in creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing living space. Dive into the principles of visual harmony and learn how to achieve balance in interior design with the help of Simple Shapes wall décor solutions.

  • Balance and Proportion: The distribution of objects, colors, and design elements should be visually balanced, ensuring every part of the room contributes seamlessly to the overall atmosphere.
  • Unity and Variety: Achieving harmony requires a balance between unity and variety. Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions can contribute to this balance by offering a diverse range of designs that complement cohesive interior design themes.
  • Color Theory: Applying color theory principles to your interior design helps create a harmonious atmosphere. Simple Shapes wall décor solutions come in various colors and patterns, making it easier to achieve the desired visual harmony.

2. The Role of Simple Shapes Wall Décor in Achieving a Balanced Aesthetic

Discover how Simple Shapes' high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints can contribute to creating a visually harmonious living space, ensuring every element of your room highlights and complements the overall design.

  • Versatile Wallcovering Solutions: Simple Shapes offers a wide range of wallcovering products, enabling you to find the perfect solution to complement your interior design vision and achieve visual harmony.
  • Easy-to-Install and Removable Designs: Simple Shapes designs are easy to install and remove, allowing you to effortlessly experiment with various styles and configurations, adapting the look of your space to find a visually harmonious arrangement.
  • Modern Aesthetic Design: The striking simplicity and modern aesthetic of Simple Shapes wall décor products contribute to the creation of a balanced and cohesive living space without overwhelming the room's design elements.

3. Practical Tips for Incorporating Simple Shapes Products to Create a Visually Harmonious Living Space

Successfully integrate Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions into your living area with these expert tips, ensuring a visually harmonious environment that showcases both your unique taste and the power of Simple Shapes' designs.

  • Selecting Designs that Complement Your Space: Choose Simple Shapes wall decor solutions that complement your existing interior design, working harmoniously with the room's colors, textures, and design elements.
  • Experimenting with Patterns and Colors: Don't be afraid to experiment with different patterns and colors offered by Simple Shapes, finding the perfect combination that enhances visual harmony in your living space.
  • Creating Focal Points: Use Simple Shapes wall décor products to create focal points in your room, incorporating visually striking designs that draw attention and contribute to an overall balanced aesthetic.

4. Enhancing Visual Harmony with Additional Design Elements

Take your visually harmonious living space to the next level by incorporating additional design elements that emphasize and accentuate the transformative power of Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions.

  • Furniture Arrangement: Arrange your furniture to create visual balance and harmony within the room, ensuring a seamless integration with your Simple Shapes wall décor.
  • Lighting Solutions: Implement diverse lighting solutions that highlight and showcase your Simple Shapes wallcovering installations, enhancing the overall atmosphere of your visually harmonious living space.
  • Accessorizing Your Space: Integrate decorative accessories that complement your Simple Shapes wall décor, creating a cohesive and visually harmonious environment that reflects your unique taste and style.

Achieving Interior Design Harmony: The Role of Simple Shapes Wall Decor

In essence, the art of visual harmony is a dynamic interplay of various design elements, with simple shapes serving as a powerful tool to create a cohesive, visually balanced space. As we continue to explore and appreciate the impact of interior design on our daily lives, it becomes increasingly evident that simple shapes, when used thoughtfully, can indeed be transformative, adding depth, character, and a touch of sophistication to any space.

Immerse yourself in the world of visual harmony with Simple Shapes' customizable wall décor solutions and let your creativity flow. Unleash the power of balanced aesthetics and create a living space that resonates with both your individuality and spirit, inspiring everyone who enters your home. Allow Simple Shapes to guide you on your journey toward harmony, serenity, and breathtaking beauty in the art of interior design.

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February 12, 2024

Elevate Your Workspace: Inspiring Office Makeovers with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

Just imagine, you walk into your office, and you're instantly greeted with an invigorating vibe. An environment that stimulates creativity, encourages productivity, and simply makes you feel good about being there. How? With a little help from wall decor solutions by Simple Shapes. We're here to guide you on a transformative journey, redefining your workspace aesthetics with office makeovers that inspire.

Gone are the days of drab and dull workspaces that do nothing but induce yawns. With a variety of designs to choose from, Simple Shapes empowers you to make a statement, reflect your personality, and set the mood for your workspace. From wall decals to wallpaper, we offer solutions that are not only easy to apply but also effortlessly chic.

But this isn't just about aesthetics. An inspiring workspace can do wonders for your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. A splash of color here, a striking pattern there, or even a motivational quote on the wall—it all adds up to create an environment where ideas flourish, and work doesn't feel like 'work'.

Creating a Dynamic Workspace with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

1. Benefits of Visually Appealing Workspaces

Color, design, and visual appeal in workspaces directly impact productivity, creativity, and employee well-being. Uncover the benefits of incorporating Simple Shapes wall décor to enhance your office environment and keep your employees motivated.

  • Increased Productivity: An aesthetically pleasing workspace contributes significantly to maintaining focus, improving workflow, and increasing overall productivity.
  • Stimulated Creativity: A well-designed work environment with visually engaging wall décor promotes creative thinking and problem-solving, fostering innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Enhanced Employee Well-Being: Investing in workspace design reflects a commitment to employee well-being, leading to improved morale, reduced stress, and increased job satisfaction.

2. Role of Simple Shapes Wall Décor in Transforming Office Settings

Discover the impact of Simple Shapes' unique and high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints in office makeovers, enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of workspaces and home offices alike.

  • Versatile Wallcovering Solutions: With a diverse range of designs and products, Simple Shapes enables you to find the perfect solution to suit your workplace needs, achieving inspiring and visually appealing office spaces.
  • Easy Integration in Various Office Styles: Simple Shapes' modern aesthetic and striking simplicity blend seamlessly with any office design, allowing for effortless integration into both existing and newly designed workspaces.
  • Customizable and Adaptive Designs: Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions offer customizable options, allowing you to adapt wall aesthetics to fit your brand’s identity or employees' preferences, promoting a sense of company culture and pride.

3. Practical Tips for Incorporating Simple Shapes Products in Your Office Design

Transform your workspace into a visually engaging environment with the help of these expert tips, ensuring a well-balanced and inspiring office setting.

  • Align with Your Brand Identity: Select Simple Shapes wall décor solutions that align with your brand's identity, creating a unified and visually appealing impression for both employees and visitors.
  • Consider Functional Spaces: Incorporate Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions in functional spaces such as reception areas, meeting rooms, and break rooms, enhancing the aesthetics and ambiance of these shared work environments.
  • Focus on Employee Preferences: Involve employees in the selection process of Simple Shapes products, ensuring all team members feel included and contributing to a positive and welcoming work atmosphere.

4. Additional Design Elements to Complement Simple Shapes Wallcovering Solutions

Elevate your office makeover by integrating additional design elements that complement Simple Shapes wall décor, creating a cohesive and inspiring work atmosphere.

  • Ergonomic Furniture: Pair Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions with ergonomic furniture designs that encourage productivity and comfort, enhancing the workplace experience for employees.
  • Natural Elements: Include natural elements like plants and greenery into your office design to complement Simple Shapes wall décor, promoting a biophilic environment that inspires a greater sense of well-being.
  • Collaborative Spaces: Create open, collaborative spaces in your office that showcase Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions, fostering team interaction and collaboration while maintaining a visually appealing environment.

Transform Your Office Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

No matter the size or layout of your office, these wall decor solutions can help you create a workspace that motivates, inspires, and helps elevate your workday to a whole new level. Explore the endless possibilities of Simple Shapes’ customizable wall décor solutions and fuel your workspace transformation journey. Incorporate stunning wallcovering designs that resonate with your brand, promote employees' well-being, and inspire productivity and creativity. 

Allow Simple Shapes to guide you in your pursuit of the perfect office makeover, redefining the boundaries of workspace design, and unlocking the full potential of a visually appealing and cohesive work environment.

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wall decor
February 06, 2024

Ideal Home Office Makeover with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

Working from home has become the new norm for millions of professionals worldwide, making the design of a home office more critical than ever. A well-crafted and visually appealing workspace can not only maximize productivity but also foster creativity and motivation, making your everyday work experience more enjoyable and fulfilling. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers an extensive range of designs that can perfectly complement any home office space, catering to both homeowners and commercial clients looking to enhance their indoor work environment with easy-to-install and removable solutions.

In this blog article, we will explore the key aspects of a stylish and productive home office design and delve into how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can help create inspiring, modern spaces that promote efficiency, focus, and motivation. We will guide you through the process of selecting visually appealing and motivating wall décor designs from Simple Shapes' versatile range and provide practical tips for integrating these products into your home office makeover. With our assistance, you'll be able to foster a more harmonious flow between work and home life, transforming your workspace into an organized, modern oasis that maximizes productivity and fosters the motivation you need to succeed in your professional endeavors.

Join us on a journey to elevate your work-from-home experience with the transformative power of Simple Shapes' wall décor solutions and learn how our designs can innovate and inspire your home office environment. Together, we'll help you create a space that reflects your unique work style and enables you to achieve your professional goals from the comfort of your own home.

1. Key Aspects of a Stylish and Productive Home Office

Understanding the essential elements of an effective, attractive, and functional home office begins with organization, personal preference, and the choice of wall décor. Let's explore how Simple Shapes can facilitate this process.

A. Organized Workspace

Keep your workspace clutter-free with practical storage and organizational solutions that maintain a clean, efficiency-boosting environment and complement your wall decor.

B. Personalized Aesthetics

Create a workspace that reflects your personal style, and foster a motivating and pleasant atmosphere by integrating distinctive elements of your personality through wall décor solutions from Simple Shapes.

C. Ergonomic Design

Prioritize comfort and productivity by investing in ergonomic furniture and accessories for your home office, effectively optimizing your work experience and preventing potential physical discomfort.

2. Selecting Motivating and Inspiring Wall Decor from Simple Shapes

Choose from a wide variety of wallcovering solutions in Simple Shapes' collection to create a customized and visually appealing atmosphere in your home office, inspiring creativity and motivation every day.

A. Inspiring Quotes and Typography

Explore the range of Simple Shapes' wall decals and prints featuring motivational quotes and thought-provoking typography to serve as a daily source of inspiration.

B. Geometric Patterns and Modern Designs

Incorporate geometric patterns, abstract shapes, and modern designs from Simple Shapes' wallpaper collection to add visual interest and sophistication to your home office.

C. Nature-Inspired Themes

Embrace the serenity and beauty of nature with Simple Shapes' versatile selection of nature-inspired wall décor to create a calming, productivity-enhancing environment in your workspace.

3. Practical Tips for Integrating Simple Shapes Wall Decor in Your Home Office

Efficiently incorporate Simple Shapes' high-quality wallcovering solutions into your home office design with these practical tips, transforming your workspace into the ultimate productive environment.

A. Utilizing Color Psychology

Understand the effects of different colors on mood and productivity, and choose your Simple Shapes wall decor accordingly to create an environment that best aligns with your work style and preferences.

B. Balancing Function and Aesthetics

Achieve an ideal blend of functionality and visual appeal by strategically placing your Simple Shapes wall décor in conjunction with practical storage solutions and ergonomic furniture.

C. Maximizing the Use of Space

Creatively design your home office layout to utilize available space effectively, and ensure that your Simple Shapes wall décor enhances functionality and organization without compromising your workspace's flow.

4. Enhancing Your Home Office Makeover with Additional Design Elements

Complement the transformative power of Simple Shapes' wall décor solutions by integrating additional design elements that elevate your home office makeover.

A. Selecting Complementary Furniture and Accessories

Choose office furniture and accessories that harmonize with your Simple Shapes wall décor, maintaining a unified and consistent aesthetic that promotes productivity and motivation.

B. Integrating Natural Light and Artificial Lighting Solutions

Strike a balance between natural light and dynamic artificial lighting options, optimized for productivity, and designed to showcase your Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions effectively.

C. Introducing Plants and Greenery

Incorporate indoor plants and greenery into your workspace, enhancing air quality, boosting mood, and improving focus, while complementing your nature-inspired Simple Shapes wall décor seamlessly.


Creating a stylish and productive home office environment is crucial for individuals working from home and striving for professional success. By integrating unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints from Simple Shapes, you can transform your workspace into a motivating, organized, and modern haven. By understanding the key aspects of home office design, selecting inspiring wall décor solutions from Simple Shapes, and implementing practical tips for their integration, you'll create an environment that enhances your work-from-home experience and maximizes your productivity.

Elevate your home office environment with Simple Shapes by your side, and create a space that is an extension of your personal preferences, professional goals, and dreams. Take pride in your workspace, and reap the rewards of a balanced and inspiring atmosphere that fosters creativity, motivation, and efficiency. Experience the transformative power of wall décor in your professional life, and let Simple Shapes guide you toward your most productive and fulfilling work-from-home experience.

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wall decor
February 06, 2024

Maximize Small Spaces with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions


Small living spaces can pose a unique set of challenges when it comes to interior design, requiring homeowners and tenants to think creatively to achieve a stylish, functional environment. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a comprehensive range of innovative designs that can significantly enhance and optimize small living spaces. With their striking simplicity and modern aesthetic, these easy-to-install and removable wallcovering solutions cater to both homeowners and commercial clients looking to transform their compact interiors into visually appealing and highly functional spaces.

In this blog article, we will explore the importance of creative space utilization in small living areas and delve into the various ways Simple Shapes wall decor solutions can maximize style, functionality, and overall comfort in your compact home. We will guide you through the process of harnessing these innovative products to unlock the potential of your small space, backed by expert design tips and curated interior design principles tailored for tight quarters. By understanding the unique challenges posed by small living environments, incorporating Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions, and implementing practical design tips, you can transform your compact home's aesthetic appeal and functionality, creating an environment that seamlessly adapts to your lifestyle.

Join us as we unlock the potential of small spaces through the transformative power of Simple Shapes' wall décor solutions. We'll help you navigate the challenges of small-space living and discover innovative design strategies to elevate your compact interiors, maximizing their style and functionality. Together, we will transform your home into a modern sanctuary that's perfectly tailored to your unique needs and preferences, offering you the ultimate in compact living without compromising on style and comfort.

1. The Importance of Creative Space Utilization in Small Interiors

Embracing the challenges of small living spaces calls for innovative solutions and creative approaches to interior design. Discover the compelling reasons for employing clever space utilization techniques made possible with Simple Shapes wall decor solutions.

A. Enhanced Functionality

Maximizing your small living area ensures every inch of space is used efficiently, providing you with a well-organized and comfortable environment for daily living.

B. Visual Appeal

Creative space utilization techniques, including the addition of Simple Shapes wall decor, greatly contribute to the overall aesthetic of a small space, giving the illusion of a larger, more inviting atmosphere.

C. Customized Lifestyle Solutions

Clever space utilization allows you to tailor your compact living environment to your unique needs and preferences, making your home a truly personalized sanctuary.

2. Enhancing and Optimizing Small Spaces with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

Simple Shapes offers versatile, easy-to-install, and removable wallcovering solutions to help you optimize and enhance the visual appeal of your small living spaces. Explore the potential of these innovative designs for your compact home.

A. Wall Decals for Creative Storage Solutions

Utilize Simple Shapes wall decals to create visual organizational solutions in your small living space, providing stylish options for displaying items such as artwork and memorabilia.

B. Wallpaper Designs to Visually Expand Your Space

Integrate Simple Shapes wallpaper designs that visually expand your small space through patterns and color choices, giving the impression of a larger environment and enhancing overall aesthetics.

C. Prints to Elevate the Mood

Incorporate Simple Shapes prints to elevate the mood of your compact living area, providing focal points that draw attention and create an illusion of depth.

3. Practical Design Tips for Incorporating Simple Shapes Products in Compact Living Areas

Efficiently incorporate Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions in your small living space by following these expert design tips, ensuring you achieve a luxurious, comfortable environment within your compact home.

A. Use Vertical Space

Maximize vertical space by strategically placing Simple Shapes wall decals and prints at different heights, making the most of available wall space while adding visual interest.

B. Select Light and Airy Patterns

Choose Simple Shapes wallpaper designs featuring light, airy patterns that create an open and expansive atmosphere in your small space, brightening the room and lending a sense of spaciousness.

C. Combine Function and Aesthetics

Implement Simple Shapes wall décor solutions that blend functionality with style, such as decals offering creative storage and display options, decluttering your space while maintaining a visually appealing environment.

4. Additional Design Elements to Complement Simple Shapes Wallcovering Solutions

Enhance the impact of Simple Shapes wallcovering solutions with additional design elements that complement and accentuate their transformative power, creating a cohesive and sophisticated look for your small living environment.

A. Multi-functional Furniture

Incorporate multi-functional furniture that harmonizes with your Simple Shapes wall décor, maximizing available space while ensuring a consistent, seamless aesthetic.

B. Lighting Solutions

Implement diverse lighting solutions that highlight and showcase your Simple Shapes wallcovering installations while also enhancing the overall atmosphere of your small living environment.

C. Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Integrate mirrors and reflective surfaces that complement your Simple Shapes wall décor, amplifying the sense of openness and visually expanding the space.


Embracing the potential of small living spaces requires a creative, innovative approach to interior design. By harnessing the power of Simple Shapes' high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, you can maximize style and functionality, creating a luxurious and comfortable environment in even the most compact living areas. With a focus on creative space utilization, expert design tips, and complementary design elements, you can transform your home into a beautiful, modern sanctuary perfectly tailored to your unique preferences and needs.

Unlock the potential of your small space with Simple Shapes' wall décor solutions and transform your compact home into a personalized haven of style, comfort, and adaptability. Tap into the expertise and inspiration provided in this blog post to create engaging, functional living environments that embrace the challenges of small spaces while showcasing your individual style. Embrace the transformative power of wall décor in your small living space and let Simple Shapes guide you toward a bright, inviting, and fulfilling home experience.

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wall decals
February 06, 2024

Create a Fun, Educational, and Engaging Bedroom for Kids with Simple Shapes Wall Decals

Designing a kid-friendly bedroom can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. As a parent or caregiver, you want your child's room to be an inviting, engaging, and inspiring space where they will enjoy spending their time. Achieving this often requires a perfect balance of creativity, function, and adaptability to cater to a growing child's varying needs and tastes. Simple Shapes, led by a husband and wife team of an Architect and a Graphic Designer, offers a wide array of modern wall decals, stickers, and temporary wallpaper that can significantly help in creating the perfect kid-friendly bedroom.

In this blog post, we will explore various strategies, tips, and design ideas to help you create a kid-friendly bedroom using Simple Shapes wall decals. We'll discuss how these removable décor options can be used to design rooms that combine fun, education, and personalization in a way that encourages your child's cognitive development, creative expression, and sense of self.

This comprehensive guide will cover topics such as using wall decals to foster a learning-friendly environment, ways to incorporate your child's interests and passions into the room's design, and decorating strategies that promote a sense of safety and comfort. We'll also provide helpful insights into making the most of your space, ensuring it can grow and evolve with your child.

Embrace the myriad of possibilities that Simple Shapes' wall decals and stickers have to offer, and craft a bedroom that will not only delight your child but also create an environment conducive to learning, creativity, and personal growth. Begin your journey towards an enchanting, educational, and functional kid-friendly bedroom today.

1. Fostering a Learning-Friendly Environment with Wall Decals

A kid-friendly bedroom should inspire learning and intellectual growth. Simple Shapes' wide variety of educational wall decals can help create such an environment.

A. Educational Wall Decals

Choose among decals featuring the alphabet, numbers, world maps, and more, to encourage learning and curiosity in subjects such as language and geography.

B. Dynamic Learning Spaces

Create an engaging "classroom corner" within the bedroom, using wall decals to identify the space and support learning activities, such as reading, writing, or drawing.

C. Interactive Elements

Opt for removable wall decals that encourage interaction, like dry erase calendar boards and growth charts, as this will promote frequent engagement and hands-on learning.

2. Personalizing Your Child's Bedroom with Wall Decals

Consider your child's unique preference, favorite colors, and interests when designing their bedroom to make it both visually appealing and meaningful to them.

A. Reflecting Your Child's Personality

Select wall decals that showcase your child's passions and hobbies, like animals, sports, or superheroes. This personalization will create a welcoming and inspiring environment for them.

B. Incorporating Your Child's Name

Personalize the space even further by using wall decals that display your child's name or initials. This not only affirms their identity but also fosters a sense of pride and ownership.

C. Theme-Based Designs

Consider your child's favorite themes, like nature, space, or under the sea, when selecting wall decals. Integrating thematic designs will create a cohesive, visually stunning bedroom that captures your child's imagination.

3. Designing a Safe and Comfortable Kid-Friendly Bedroom

Safety, accessibility, and comfort are essential aspects when designing a kid-friendly bedroom. Wall decals can be used to create a cozy and tranquil space where your child feels secure.

A. Inspiring Calm and Relaxation

Choose wall decals that depict soothing imagery, like gentle landscapes, soft colors, or motivational quotes to create a sense of calm and relaxation, promoting restful sleep.

B. Ensuring Accessibility

Arrange furniture and wall decals within the bedroom to encourage intuitive navigation and accessibility, especially for younger children. Place decals at heights they can easily reach and interact with, like storage labels or whiteboards.

C. Promoting Safety

Incorporate wall decals with fun, age-appropriate designs that also promote safety awareness, such as messages about hand-washing or reminders to turn off lights and electronics.

4. Adapting Your Child's Bedroom as They Grow

As children grow, their interests and needs change. Wall decals offer an ideal solution for updating their bedrooms without any significant renovation efforts.

A. Easily Replaceable Wall Decals

Since Simple Shapes' wall decals are removable and easy to change, you can adapt the bedroom design to your child's evolving preferences and developmental stages without hassle.

B. Transitioning Themes

As your child grows older, update their room with decals that reflect their maturing interests in sports, arts, or science, and remove previous designs that may have become outdated.

C. Encouraging Creativity and Expression

Provide opportunities for your child to actively participate in the bedroom design process by utilizing decals that allow for creative self-expression, such as chalkboard wall stickers or customizable designs.


Designing a kid-friendly bedroom with Simple Shapes wall decals is a fulfilling and creative journey that prioritizes learning, personalization, comfort, and adaptability. By following these expert tips and strategies, you can create an inspiring, functional, and visually appealing bedroom that will support your child's cognitive, emotional, and developmental growth throughout their childhood.

Embrace the endless possibilities that Simple Shapes' customizable wall decals offer, and craft a space that's not only visually captivating but supports a nurturing environment built for learning, exploration, and fun. Transform your child's room into a safe haven that fosters creativity, learning, and self-discovery, and witness the positive impact it has on their development and well-being.

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wall decals
February 06, 2024

Embrace Minimalism with Simple Shapes' Wall Decals for a Serene Home

Minimalism, as an interior design philosophy, has steadily gained popularity over recent years. This design principle is centered around the idea of adopting simple, intentional living by keeping only items that add value or bring joy to your life. It seeks to get rid of clutter, repurpose materials, and streamline functions to create spaces that have a sense of harmony, balance, and focus. Simple Shapes' modern wall decals, stickers, and temporary wallpaper can help you achieve this minimalist aesthetic while maintaining a unique, visually appealing living space.

Led by a husband and wife team, an Architect and a Graphic Designer, Simple Shapes specializes in creating versatile, innovative, and easy-to-use wall decals that can seamlessly blend with a minimalist design approach. Their expertly crafted products offer homeowners a chance to embrace minimalism without sacrificing the beauty and character of their home décor.

In this blog post, we will explore the multiple ways Simple Shapes' wall decals can be used to achieve a minimalist home aesthetic. We will delve into the principles of minimalist design, dicussing various approaches to declutter and simplify your living space while creating a comfortable, serene, and calming environment.

1. Principles of Minimalist Design

Understanding the main principles of minimalist design will guide you in crafting a simplified, yet stylish, home environment using Simple Shapes' wall decals.

A. Simplicity

Minimalist design embraces clean lines, simple shapes, and a lack of visual clutter. Choose wall decals with distinct, minimalist-inspired designs to promote visual harmony and focus in your living spaces.

B. Functionality

In minimalism, the function is prioritized over excessive decoration. Opt for wall decals that complement your room's purpose or organize your space, such as storage labels, simple calendar designs, or sleek, motivational quotes.

C. Cohesive Color Palette

Stick to a limited range of complementary colors when selecting wall decals and other décor elements. This focused approach will emphasize a sense of unity and calmness in your minimalist home.

2. Decluttering and Simplifying Your Living Space

Before incorporating wall decals into your minimalist home, it's essential to declutter and simplify your living spaces to create a serene environment.

A. Eliminate Excess

Assess your current decor, removing any unnecessary items or decorations that don't serve a purpose or bring you joy. This will open up space for minimalist wall decals to shine and maintain a clean, focused aesthetic.

B. Optimize Storage

Minimalism focuses on reducing visual clutter. Utilize smart storage solutions to keep your home tidy, and consider using Simple Shapes' wall decals as subtle, organized identifiers for shelves, drawers, or cabinets.

C. Balance Negative and Positive Space

Minimalist design values both the presence and absence of objects. Strive to find a balance between the use of wall decals and leaving some areas of your walls empty, creating a sense of space and tranquility.

3. Selecting Minimalist Wall Decals

Finding the perfect minimalist wall decals for your home will rely on several factors, including design, color, and size.

A. Choosing the Right Design

For a minimalist aesthetic, opt for wall decals that feature simple, clean-lined designs free of excess ornamentation. Geometric shapes, abstract patterns, and concise typography are ideal for this design style.

B. Sticking to a Cohesive Palette

When selecting wall decals, adhere to your selected color palette. This will ensure your minimalist space evokes a sense of calm, consistency, and simplicity.

C. Size Matters

Choose wall decals that are appropriately sized for your space. In minimalism, smaller decals can be just as impactful as larger designs. Select decals that suit your room's dimensions and layout without overpowering the space.

4. Incorporating Wall Decals Into Your Minimalist Home

Once you've decluttered, simplified, and selected the right wall decals, it's time to incorporate them into your home's design.

A. Accentuating Architecture

Use wall decals to accentuate and enhance the existing architecture in your home. Simple geometric shapes or lines can be used to emphasize a room's layout, high ceilings, or unique design features.

B. Creating Focal Points

Minimalist design doesn't exclude visual interest. Use wall decals strategically to create visually striking focal points that draw the eye and add depth and character to your living spaces.

C. Blending in with Your Décor

When implementing wall decals into your minimalist home, opt for designs that seamlessly blend with your existing décor. This will ensure a cohesive, uncluttered, and harmonious living environment.


Embracing minimalist design using Simple Shapes' wall decals is a fantastic way to create clutter-free, harmonious, and tranquil living spaces that promote relaxation and well-being. With intentionality and a focus on simplicity, you can effortlessly incorporate wall decals into your minimalist home, resulting in a serene and comfortable environment where you can truly unwind.

Explore Simple Shapes' collection of customizable wall decals to find designs that resonate with your minimalist aesthetic and elevate your living spaces. By following the minimalist design principles outlined in this guide, you can effectively transform your home into a haven of peace and tranquility where every element serves a purpose and sparks joy.

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removable wallpaper
January 22, 2024

Revamp Your Rental Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decals and Removable Wallpaper

Renting a living space often has limitations on how extensively the space can be personalized and decorated, as many landlords have strict policies against making permanent alterations to the property. However, with the right products and design ideas, renters can transform their temporary living spaces into personalized and stylish havens without the risk of damaging walls or violating lease agreements. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, removable wallpaper, and prints, offers a wide range of versatile and stylish wall decor products that can be easily applied and removed, making them an ideal solution for renters looking to revamp their living spaces.

In this blog article, we will guide you through personalizing your rental space using Simple Shapes' stunning wall decals and removable wallpaper, ensuring that your living space feels like home while adhering to rental property guidelines. We will offer insights on selecting the most suitable wall decor products for your rental space, provide decorating ideas for various rooms in your home, and share tips on removing and reusing these products with ease, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Embrace the opportunity to transform your rental space into a truly personalized living environment using Simple Shapes' innovative and stylish wall decor products. By exploring these solutions, you can overcome the hurdles associated with temporary living spaces and create a truly remarkable and comfortable home without sacrificing your personal style or risking potential damage to the property.

I. Choosing Removable Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Renters

Select the ideal removable wall decor products from Simple Shapes, making a visual impact in your rental space without damaging walls or violating lease agreements.

1. Durability and Quality

Opt for high-quality, durable wall decals and removable wallpaper that can withstand daily wear and tear, maintaining their visual appeal throughout the duration of your lease.

2. Easy Installation and Removal

Ensure the selected wall decor products are easy to install and remove, allowing for damage-free application and removal from your rental space's walls.

3. Versatility and Design

Explore Simple Shapes' wide range of versatile and stylish wall decals and removable wallpaper, selecting designs that align with your personal style and complement your rental space.

II. Decorating Ideas for Bedrooms in Rental Spaces

Utilize Simple Shapes wall decals and removable wallpaper to create a comfortable and personalized retreat in your rental space's bedrooms while adhering to property guidelines.

1. Creating a Focal Point

Design an eye-catching focal point in your bedroom using a statement wall decal or removable wallpaper, drawing attention and adding a touch of personal style.

2. Adding Functionality and Organization

Incorporate functional wall decals, such as chalkboard or dry-erase designs, to create a practical and stylish space for planning, note-taking, or jotting down reminders.

3. Personalizing Your Bedroom with Themes

Select wall decals and removable wallpaper that reflect your preferred bedroom theme, such as a calming nature-inspired oasis or a sleek, modern sanctuary.

III. Elevating Your Rental Space's Living Room

Discover creative ways to upgrade your rental living room using Simple Shapes wall decals and removable wallpaper, transforming your shared living area into a welcoming and personalized space.

1. Revitalizing Accent Walls

Add a dramatic effect to your rental living room by creating a stunning accent wall featuring a striking removable wallpaper pattern or an eye-catching wall decal.\

2. Enhancing Visual Appeal with Geometric Designs

Incorporate geometric designs and patterns in your living room decor, using wall decals or removable wallpaper to create a visually intriguing and modern aesthetic.

3. Celebrating Your Unique Style with Custom Wall Decor

Opt for customizable wall decals, showcasing your family name, monogram, or favorite quote to make a personalized statement in your rental living room.

IV. Upgrading Your Rental Kitchen and Dining Area

Transform your rental kitchen and dining area into a warm, inviting, and stylish space with Simple Shapes wall decals and removable wallpaper, preserving the integrity of your rental property.

1. Refreshing Kitchen Backsplashes

Revitalize your kitchen backsplash with removable wallpaper or wall decals, easily updating the space with trendy designs and patterns that reflect your personal taste.

2. Adding a Touch of Playfulness

Incorporate playful wall decals, such as food and beverage-themed designs or fun quotes, to add character and charm to your kitchen and dining area.

3. Utilizing Wall Decals for Kitchen Organization

Opt for wall decals that double as organizational tools, such as menu planners, recipe boards, or measurement conversion charts, ensuring a functional and aesthetically pleasing kitchen space.


Revamping your rental space with Simple Shapes wall decals and removable wallpaper is an exciting opportunity to unleash your creativity and personal style, while still adhering to rental property guidelines. Personalizing your living environment in a temporary space can be challenging, but with the help of Simple Shapes' high-quality and stylish wall decor products, you can transform your rental into a truly comforting and inviting home that reflects your unique style and personality.

Explore Simple Shapes's many decorating possibilities and embrace the power of elegant wall decals and removable wallpaper to elevate your rental space. Enhance your bedrooms, living room, and kitchen with various design ideas and inspirations, creating a visually cohesive and welcoming environment that caters to your personal tastes and needs. Embrace the joy of personalizing your rental space and create a home that offers warmth, comfort, and unforgettable memories.

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wall decal
January 22, 2024

Incorporating Simple Shapes Wall Decals into Montessori-Inspired Playrooms

The Montessori educational philosophy strives to create environments that allow children to explore, discover, and interact with the world around them at their own pace. Montessori-inspired playrooms are designed with this approach in mind, offering children a space for self-directed learning, creativity, and independence in a safe and nurturing environment. 

To create such spaces, it's essential to use canny design choices that cater to children's developmental needs, promote hands-on learning, and encourage exploration and discovery. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a wide range of wall decor products perfectly suited for designing Montessori-inspired playrooms that foster growth, creativity, and curiosity.

In this blog article, we will delve into the Montessori philosophy and explain its relevance and impact on creating nurturing playroom spaces for children. We'll guide you through selecting wall decals from Simple Shapes that align with Montessori principles, emphasizing fostering learning, engagement, and autonomy within your child's playroom environment. We'll also provide tips and ideas on arranging and designing your Montessori-inspired playroom to maximize growth, interaction, and exploration for children of different age groups.

I. Understanding the Montessori Philosophy in Playroom Design

Gain insights into the Montessori philosophy and its core principles, highlighting the importance of thoughtfully designed playrooms that encourage self-directed learning, creativity, and independence.

1. Emphasis on Child-Centered Spaces

Explore the significance of creating child-centered environments within Montessori playrooms, focusing on accessibility, autonomy, and meaningful engagement.

2. Importance of Hands-On Learning

Recognize the value of hands-on learning experiences in the Montessori approach, highlighting the role of well-designed playrooms in fostering tangible, interactive discovery.

3. Encouraging Independence and Exploration

Understand how Montessori playrooms promote independence and exploration in children, focusing on purposeful design elements that nurture growth, creativity, and self-sufficiency.

II. Selecting Montessori-Aligned Wall Decals from Simple Shapes

Discover Simple Shapes' diverse wall decals that perfectly align with Montessori principles, providing visually engaging and educational design elements for your playroom.

1. Alphabet and Number Wall Decals

Choose from various alphabet and number wall decals to support early literacy and numeracy skills, offering a visually appealing and interactive learning experience within the playroom.

2. Interactive Wall Decals for Hands-On Learning

Explore the collection of interactive wall decals, such as chalkboards, dry-erase boards, and calendars, promoting hands-on learning and organizational skills in a Montessori-inspired space.

3. Nature-Themed Wall Decals for Mindful Exploration

Incorporate nature-themed wall decals in your playroom design, fostering a sense of wonder and respect for the natural world in line with Montessori philosophy.

III. Tips for Arranging and Designing Your Montessori-Inspired Playroom

Maximize the potential of your Montessori-inspired playroom by employing design tips and ideas that cater to different age groups, ensuring a nurturing and stimulating environment for all children.

1. Creating Functional Zones for Various Activities

Arrange your playroom into functional zones, each dedicated to different activities, such as reading, creative expression, and sensory exploration, allowing for easy access and focused engagement.

2. Prioritizing Accessibility and Organization

Design your playroom with an emphasis on accessibility and organization, placing wall decals, toys, and materials within reach of your child to foster independence and autonomy.

3. Adapting the Playroom for Age-Appropriate Growth

Modify your Montessori-inspired playroom to cater to different age groups, ensuring that the environment supports your child's growth, learning, and development over time.

IV. Montessori-Inspired Playroom Ideas for Different Age Groups

Discover specific playroom design ideas using Simple Shapes wall decals that suit various age groups, providing a customized and engaging environment for each stage of development.

1. Infants and Toddlers: Fostering a Sense of Security and Discovery

Design a Montessori-inspired playroom for infants and toddlers using wall decals that encourage a sense of security, exploration, and sensory stimulation, nurturing growth and contentedness.

2. Preschoolers: Encouraging Creativity and Independent Play

Create a playroom for preschoolers using wall decals that promote creativity, autonomy, and hands-on learning, offering imaginative and independent play opportunities.

3. School-Aged Children: Strengthening Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Skills

Design a Montessori-inspired playroom for school-aged children using wall decals that support the development of cognitive, social, and emotional skills, nurturing well-rounded growth.


Designing a Montessori-inspired playroom using Simple Shapes wall decals is an enriching endeavor that allows parents to cultivate nurturing spaces where children can explore, learn, and grow independently. By understanding the Montessori philosophy, carefully selecting Montessori-aligned wall decals from Simple Shapes, and employing design tips to arrange your playroom thoughtfully, you can create a beautiful, engaging environment that caters to your child's unique developmental needs.

Dive into the world of Montessori-inspired playroom design with the help of Simple Shapes' innovative and creative wall decals, and embrace the opportunity to provide your child with a truly life-enhancing space. Encourage their growth, creativity, and independence by crafting a playroom environment that fosters hands-on learning, exploration, and self-discovery, ensuring a solid foundation for a fulfilling and successful future.

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Create a Stunning Nursery with Simple Shapes Wall Decor
January 16, 2024

Create a Stunning Nursery with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

Expectant parents, as well as those looking to update their child's nursery, often face the challenge of creating a visually appealing, stimulating, and safe environment that caters to their little one's needs. Finding innovative design solutions that promote cognitive, emotional, and physical development can be a daunting task for any parent. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a diverse range of artistic and interactive designs that can help you transform your child's nursery into a delightful haven for play, relaxation, and growth.

In this blog article, we will guide you through the process of designing the perfect nursery using Simple Shapes' stunning range of wall decor products. Our focus will be on offering helpful advice and creative solutions for selecting the right wall decals and wallpaper that align with your chosen nursery theme or color scheme. Furthermore, we will provide insights on how to create interactive play spaces that promote cognitive and emotional development, as well as tips for ensuring the nursery remains a safe and welcoming environment.

Selecting the Right Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Your Nursery Theme

The first step in creating your dream nursery is choosing the ideal wall decals and wallpaper that complement your desired theme, color palette, and design elements, while providing a stimulating environment for your child.

1. Aligning with Your Nursery Theme

Select Simple Shapes wall decals and wallpaper that correspond with your chosen nursery theme, whether it's a whimsical forest, celestial adventure, or a calming ocean scene, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing space.

2. Balancing Colors and Patterns

Consider a harmonious color palette and pattern mix for wall decor that creates a soothing atmosphere while still offering stimulating visuals for your child's developing senses.

3. Encouraging Creativity and Imagination

Choose wall decals and wallpaper designs that spark your child's imagination and serve as a backdrop for creative play, storytelling, and exploration.

Creating Interactive Play Spaces with Wall Decor

Transform your nursery using Simple Shapes wall decals and wallpaper that inspire interactive play and foster your child's cognitive, emotional, and physical development.

1. Designing a Growth-Minded Play Area

Incorporate wall decals that promote learning, such as alphabet and number graphics, maps, or other educational themes, to create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and development.

2. Encouraging Artistic Expression

Select wall decals that inspire artistic activities, like drawing, painting, or storytelling, by featuring colors, shapes, or patterns that stimulate creativity and self-expression.

3. Building a Sensory Wonderland

Choose wall decor that engages multiple senses, such as visually stimulating patterns, soft textures, or playful designs, to create a nursery that invites exploration and discovery.

Ensuring Safety and Comfort in Your Nursery Design

As you craft the perfect nursery using Simple Shapes products, keep safety and comfort at the forefront of your design choices to create a welcoming and secure environment for your child.

1. Prioritizing Non-Toxic Materials

Opt for wall decals and wallpaper made from non-toxic materials to ensure your nursery remains a safe and healthy space for your child to grow and thrive.

2. Accommodating Changing Needs

Select versatile wall decor products that adapt to your child's evolving needs, such as easily removable decals that can be updated as they grow or temporary wallpaper that allows for easy room transformations.

3. Establishing Relaxation Zones

Incorporate tranquil and calming wall decor, like serene landscapes or gentle neutral colors in the sleeping or relaxation area of the nursery, to support restful sleep and relaxation.

Enhancing Child Development with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

The nursery should be a sanctuary where your child can develop and learn, so ensure your design choices align with their growth and development by selecting wall decals and wallpaper that support cognitive, emotional, and physical development.

1. Promoting Cognitive Development

Choose wall decor that encourages cognitive development by incorporating patterns, shapes, and colors that stimulate visual processing, attentiveness, and memory.

2. Fostering Emotional Development

Select wall decals and wallpaper that enable your child to express their emotions, experience empathy, and develop social skills, such as designs featuring friendly characters or calming images.

3. Encouraging Physical Development

Incorporate Simple Shapes wall products that motivate physical activity and motor skill development, like decals that encourage reaching, crawling, or walking, or designs that provide visual cues for hand-eye coordination.


Creating a playful and nurturing nursery with Simple Shapes wall decals and wallpaper is a rewarding journey that allows you to express your child's unique personality and interests while supporting their development. With a focus on selecting the right wall decor for your theme, fostering interactive play spaces, ensuring safety and comfort, and enhancing child development, you can design a captivating and engaging environment that facilitates growth, learning, and exploration.

Simple Shapes' extensive range of modern and unique wall decals, coupled with their easy-to-install and removable features, empower you to craft the nursery of your dreams. Foster creativity, imagination, and growth by transforming your child's room into an enchanting haven with Simple Shapes' stunning wall decals and wallpaper, and provide your little one with a space that truly feels like home.

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Give Your Home a Seasonal Makeover with Simple Shapes' Wall Decals
January 16, 2024

Give Your Home a Seasonal Makeover with Simple Shapes' Wall Decals

As seasons come and go, so do the trends in interior design. It's not always easy or practical to change your home décor with each change of season. Still, with Simple Shapes' innovative wall decals, stickers, and temporary wallpaper, it's possible - and easier than you might think.

Headed by a husband and wife team of an Architect and a Graphic Designer, Simple Shapes specializes in modern wall decor elements that offer flexibility as well as style. Their easy-to-apply and remove decals make seasonal room makeovers not only possible but truly enjoyable. You can now keep up with each season and its special vibes by revolving your home décor around it using these easy-to-use decals.

In this comprehensive guide, we invite you to explore the myriad ways you can use Simple Shapes' wall decals to celebrate each season within the confines of your home's walls. We'll delve into a variety of room styling strategies for different parts of the year, focusing on the creative potential of decals to capture the very essence of each season, from warm, blossoming springs to cozy, snowy winters.

Seasonal Room Makeovers with Simple Shapes' Wall Decals

A seasonal room makeover can breathe new life into your space while reflecting the unique beauty of each time of the year. Discover how Simple Shapes' wall decals can help you effortlessly transition your home decor with the changing seasons.

Spring Refresh

As winter fades away, embrace the fresh, blossoming energy of spring with colorful and nature-inspired wall decals. Consider incorporating designs featuring blooming flowers, birds, and bright, warm colors to invigorate your space and lift your spirits.

Summer Vibrance

For summer makeovers, focus on creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere that reflects the warmth, energy, and excitement of the season. Choose wall decals with bold colors, tropical themes, and beach-inspired designs to infuse your space with a sense of summertime adventure.

Autumn Coziness

Welcome the serene, cozy atmosphere of autumn into your home with wall decals that showcase the stunning beauty of the changing season. Opt for designs that incorporate warm, earthy tones, falling leaves, and woodland scenes to create a sense of calm and comfort.

Winter Wonderland

With winter comes the opportunity to transform your space into a cozy retreat from the cold. Select wall decals featuring snowflakes, stars, and wintry landscapes to evoke a sense of warmth, comfort, and wonder during the festive season.

Tips for Effortless Seasonal Transitions

Successfully transitioning your home decor with each changing season can be simple and efficient with the following tips and strategies.

Plan Ahead

Prepare for your seasonal room makeovers by choosing the desired themes and designs well in advance. Assess your current decor, note the changes needed, and have the required wall decals and accessories ready for a smooth transition.

Make a Statement

To ensure a dramatic seasonal transformation, opt for bold wall decals that deliver a strong visual impact. Use these statement-making decals as focal points to create an effective, season-inspired space.

Mix and Match

Create a versatile foundation for your seasonal decor by incorporating neutral elements – such as furniture, rugs, and other accessories – that work well with a variety of wall decals and color schemes. This will enable you to make quick and easy decor changes for each season.

Designing Your Space for Optimal Seasonal Adaptability

Consider the following strategies and design elements that allow for seamless seasonal adaptation while maintaining a cohesive, stylish home throughout the year.

1. Curate a Collection

To successfully transition from one season to the next, curate a collection of Simple Shapes' wall decals that you can use interchangeably through the year. Organize and store them properly to ensure their longevity and usability.

2. Layered Wall Decor

Embrace layering techniques by using wall decals in conjunction with other decorative elements such as artwork, mirrors, and shelves. Not only does this create depth in your room, but it also aids in the visual transition between seasons.

3. Multi-purpose Arrangements

Opt for furniture layouts and storage solutions that are both functional and flexible, making it easy to rearrange and adapt your space to accommodate new wall decals and decorative elements as each season arrives.

Emphasizing the Seasonal Atmosphere

To fully embrace the changing seasons, consider adding complementary design elements, materials, and textures to your living spaces.

Seasonal Textiles

Using seasonal textiles and fabrics can enhance the overall atmosphere of your space. Consider swapping out throw pillows, blankets, and curtains in colors and patterns that reflect each season.

Play with Lighting

Lighting can strongly impact your home's atmosphere. Adjust your lighting with candles, string lights, or adjustable fixtures to create the perfect ambiance for each season.

Add Fragrance

Incorporate subtle seasonal fragrances with candles, essential oils, or potpourri to enhance the ambiance in your home. Pick scents that represent feelings and memories associated with each season for a well-rounded sensory experience.


Achieving a seasonal makeover using Simple Shapes' wall decals is a fantastic way to celebrate the passage of time and breathe new life into your home. With thoughtful planning, versatility, and creative inspiration, you can embrace each season's unique beauty and effortlessly transform your living spaces.

Explore Simple Shapes' vast collection of wall decals to discover the endless possibilities for transforming your home, and let the magic of each season infuse your space all year round. Start your journey to craft a passion-filled, dynamic home that evolves with the times, and find renewed joy and inspiration within its walls every day.

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Transform Your Home Office with Simple Shapes Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper
January 08, 2024

Transform Your Home Office with Simple Shapes Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper

With the rise of remote work and flexible working arrangements, the importance of a dedicated and well-designed home office has become increasingly evident. An inviting and efficient workspace is essential in promoting productivity and focus while working from home. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers an innovative solution: peel-and-stick wallpaper. This versatile and easy-to-install product can greatly enhance the style and functionality of your home office, creating a personalized and uplifting atmosphere that fosters creativity, motivation, and efficiency.

In this blog article, we will explore the benefits of using Simple Shapes peel-and-stick wallpaper in your home office design, as well as providing step-by-step guidance on how to apply and remove the wallpaper with ease. Additionally, we will offer insights on selecting the perfect pattern and color to suit your personal style and workspace, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing environment. Finally, we will share a variety of decorating ideas that showcase how Simple Shapes' peel-and-stick wallpaper can elevate your home office to new heights, resulting in a workspace that inspires productivity, motivation, and creativity.

Join us as we delve into the world of home office design, utilizing Simple Shapes' exceptional peel-and-stick wallpaper as a flexible and easily customizable solution for creating an outstanding workspace tailored to your needs. Discover the transformative power of this innovative wall decor product, and begin envisioning the ultimate home office that reflects your unique personality, work style, and aspirations.

The Benefits of Using Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper in Your Home Office

Explore the numerous advantages of incorporating Simple Shapes' peel-and-stick wallpaper in your home office design, showcasing the product's versatility, customization, and ease of application.

Effortless Installation and Removal

Experience the convenience of easy installation and removal with peel-and-stick wallpaper, allowing you to quickly update your workspace decor without damaging your walls or leaving residue behind.

Enhanced Aesthetics and Personalization

Elevate the visual appeal of your home office with Simple Shapes' diverse selection of peel-and-stick wallpaper designs, ensuring a unique and personalized environment that complements your preferred style.

Durable and High-Quality Material

Benefit from the durable and high-quality material utilized in Simple Shapes' peel-and-stick wallpaper, providing a long-lasting and visually stunning home office design solution.

Applying and Removing Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper with Ease

Follow simple, step-by-step instructions for seamlessly applying and removing your peel-and-stick wallpaper, transforming your home office with minimal effort.

1. Preparing Your Workspace

Ensure a successful installation by preparing your workspace with the necessary tools and a clean, dry, and dust-free wall surface.

2. Applying Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper

Carefully apply the peel-and-stick wallpaper, aligning your chosen design with your wall's edges and gently smoothing out any air bubbles or creases as you progress.

3. Removing and Reusing the Wallpaper

Effortlessly remove and potentially reuse your peel-and-stick wallpaper by gently peeling it away from the wall, allowing for fuss-free decor updates and adjustments.

Choosing the Right Pattern and Color for Your Home Office Space

Consider the various factors that will help you select the ideal peel-and-stick wallpaper pattern and color for your home office, promoting a harmonious, inspiring, and functional environment.

Assessing Your Preferred Style and Atmosphere

Determine your desired aesthetic and atmosphere for your home office, identifying the patterns and colors that complement your personal style and vision for your workspace.

Balancing Visual Appeal with Functionality

Strike a balance between a visually striking design and a practical workspace environment, considering the impact of your chosen pattern and color on productivity, focus, and creativity.

Adapting to Your Home Office Size and Layout

Take into account your home office's size and layout when selecting a peel-and-stick wallpaper design, opting for patterns and colors that enhance the space and create a visually cohesive and spacious effect.

Decorating Ideas and Inspirations for Your Home Office

Discover a range of creative decorating ideas and inspirations that utilize Simple Shapes peel-and-stick wallpaper, transforming your home office into a captivating, personalized, and efficient workspace.

1. Creating an Accent Wall

Make a bold statement and define your workspace by using peel-and-stick wallpaper to create an accent wall, infusing your office environment with elegance and visual interest.

2. Enhancing Your Workspace with Geometric Patterns

Incorporate geometric patterns in your home office design to facilitate a sense of organization, structure, and focus, providing the perfect backdrop for a productive and streamlined work environment.

3. Integrating Nature-Inspired Designs

Invite tranquility and mindfulness into your home office with nature-inspired peel-and-stick wallpaper designs, promoting a calming and serene atmosphere that fosters mental clarity and concentration.


The quest to create a stylish, functional, and personalized home office can be a thrilling and rewarding experience with the help of Simple Shapes' peel-and-stick wallpaper. By exploring the numerous benefits of using this innovative product, learning how to effortlessly apply and remove it, choosing the perfect pattern and color for your space, and discovering inspiring decorating ideas, you can masterfully design a workspace that caters to your unique preferences and needs.

Embrace the art of designing an outstanding home office with Simple Shapes' diverse range of premium-quality peel-and-stick wallpaper, and elevate your workspace to a realm of creativity, motivation, and productivity. Transforming your home office has never been easier with the help of Simple Shapes – unleash your creativity and craft a space that truly embodies your distinct work style, aspirations, and personality.

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Creating a Hygge-Inspired Home with Simple Shapes Wall Decor
January 08, 2024

Creating a Hygge-Inspired Home with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

The Danish concept of Hygge has captured the hearts of homeowners and design enthusiasts worldwide due to its focus on creating a cozy, warm, and inviting atmosphere within the home. To achieve this coveted aesthetic and embrace the sense of well-being Hygge promotes, consider incorporating the beautifully crafted wall decals, wallpaper, and prints offered by Simple Shapes, an American home decor company. Known for their striking simplicity and modern aesthetic design, Simple Shapes' products allow homeowners to effortlessly enhance their interiors with easy-to-install and removable wall decor solutions that convey a sense of Hygge.

In this blog article, we will examine the key elements of Hygge design and provide insight on how to create a tranquil, comfortable sanctuary using Simple Shapes' unique wall decor products. From understanding the essential principles of Hygge-inspired interiors, to selecting the right wall decals and wallpaper designs, we will walk you through the steps necessary to integrate these products seamlessly into your home. Additionally, we will provide practical suggestions for incorporating Hygge elements across multiple spaces, emphasizing the importance of creating an atmosphere that promotes relaxation, happiness, and well-being.

Join us as we delve into the world of Hygge-inspired design, exploring how Simple Shapes' stylish and high-quality wall decor solutions can be utilized to curate a cozy and inviting atmosphere within your living spaces. Embrace the essence of Hygge, and discover how this Danish design concept can become an integral component of your home's aesthetic, nurturing comfort and well-being at every turn.

Understanding the Elements of Hygge Design

Dive into the essential components of Hygge design to grasp the subtle nuances that contribute to this Danish design concept's immense popularity.

Focus on Coziness and Comfort

Explore the significance of coziness and comfort within Hygge-inspired interiors and learn how to curate inviting spaces that nurture relaxation using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions.

Importance of Ambient Lighting

Discover the critical role of ambient lighting in creating a Hygge atmosphere and find out how Simple Shapes' products can aid in achieving the perfect illumination across various spaces.

Incorporating Natural Materials and Textures

Delve into the Hygge emphasis on natural materials and textures, and learn how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can evoke an organic connection to nature within your interiors.

Selecting Hygge-Appropriate Wall Decor Solutions

Discover the range of Simple Shapes' wall decals, wallpaper, and prints that align flawlessly with the comforting appearance and essence of Hygge-inspired interiors.

Choosing Warm and Neutral Colors

Learn about the impact of warm and neutral color palettes in Hygge design and uncover the Simple Shapes products that personify these soothing hues.

Embracing Soothing Patterns and Motifs

Explore the calming patterns and motifs characteristic of Hygge-inspired decor and learn how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can help you effortlessly incorporate them into your home.

Practical Ideas for Incorporating Simple Shapes Products into Your Hygge Home

Master the art of seamlessly integrating Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions into various interior spaces to enhance the overall sense of Hygge throughout your home.

Creating Intimate and Cozy Seating Areas

Discover how using Simple Shapes wall decor can contribute to the formation of inviting seating spaces that promote relaxation, socialization, and comfort.

Adding Decorative Accents to Enhance Warmth

Learn about the use of Simple Shapes' products as subtle, decorative accents that elevate the cozy ambiance of Hygge-inspired interiors.

Bringing Hygge to Every Room in Your Home

Explore the possibilities of promoting a sense of Hygge throughout your entire home, ensuring that each room embraces the spirit of comfort and well-being.

Enhancing Bedrooms with Hygge Design Principles

Discover how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can enrich the Hygge ambiance in bedrooms, creating a relaxing refuge from everyday stressors.

Hygge-Inspiration for the Kitchen and Dining Rooms

Learn about incorporating Hygge design principles into kitchens and dining spaces using Simple Shapes' products, fostering an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness during meal times.


The Danish concept of Hygge offers a refreshing design philosophy that places utmost importance on fostering an atmosphere of comfort, coziness, and well-being within the home. By incorporating high-quality, removable wall decals, wallpaper, and prints from Simple Shapes, you can effortlessly curate Hygge-inspired living spaces that exude warmth and tranquility. Embrace the essence of Hygge design by understanding its core components, selecting the appropriate Simple Shapes wall decor solutions, and applying practical ideas to incorporate these products throughout your home.

Through these intentional design choices, you will not only create a home that feels inviting and cozy but will also cultivate an environment that promotes happiness, relaxation, and harmony. As you immerse yourself in the Hygge-inspired design journey, let Simple Shapes become your go-to resource for unique wall decor solutions that elevate the warm, comfortable atmosphere that makes a house truly feel like a home. For decals and more, you’ve come to the right place.

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home office
January 02, 2024

Maximize Your Home Office Space with Innovative Wall Decor: A Guide for Small Room Solutions

In today's fast-paced world where remote work and freelancing are becoming increasingly popular, having a well-designed and functional home office space is essential. Unfortunately, not every home offers the luxury of abundant space, and many individuals must adapt their office needs to smaller or limited areas. Creating an efficient and well-organized workspace in a smaller room might seem like a challenge; however, with thoughtful planning and innovative wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes, you can transform even the tiniest nook into a stylish and functional home office.

Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a wide range of wall decor products perfect for optimizing and maximizing your home office space. In this blog article, we will delve into the importance of creating practical and organized home office spaces, especially when dealing with small or limited areas. We will provide insights on utilizing Simple Shapes' wall decals and wallpaper to create innovative storage and organization solutions, as well as offering practical design tips to make the most of your home office space, regardless of its size.

Join us as we explore the exciting world of small home office design and discover how Simple Shapes' wall decor products can help you maximize and optimize your workspace, creating a stylish, functional, and inspiring environment that adapts to your unique needs and spatial limitations. With a little creativity and clever use of wall decor, you can transform any small space into a practical and beautiful home office sanctuary.

1. Understanding the Importance of Optimized Home Office Spaces

Explore the significance of creating practical, organized, and functional workspaces, especially when designing home offices in small or limited areas.

A. Enhancing Productivity and Focus

Recognize how a well-designed home office can bolster productivity and focus, minimizing distractions and providing an environment conducive to completing tasks efficiently.

B. Prioritizing Organization and Storage

Appreciate the essential role of organization and smart storage solutions in maintaining a clutter-free, streamlined workspace that encourages effectiveness and mental clarity.

C. Balancing Comfort and Functionality

Strike a balance between comfort and functionality when designing your small home office, selecting wall decor and furnishings that create a pleasant, ergonomic work environment.

2. Utilizing Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Storage and Organization Solutions

Discover how Simple Shapes' innovative wall decals and wallpaper products can be utilized to create practical storage and organization solutions for your small home office space.

A. Multipurpose Wall Decals

Experiment with multifunctional wall decals, such as chalkboard or dry-erase designs, to create an interactive, space-saving solution for tracking tasks, jotting down ideas, or planning your schedule.

B. Visually Expanding Your Space

Choose wallpaper patterns and colors that visually expand your small home office, making the room feel more spacious, open, and inviting. Opt for light colors and subtle patterns to maximize the space-enhancing effect.

C. Creative Shelving and Storage Ideas

Consider installing decorative wall decals or wallpaper behind open shelving units, transforming them into stylish and functional storage solutions that seamlessly blend with your home office design.

3. Practical Design Tips for Small Home Office Spaces

Find inspiration and guidance for designing a functional and stylish small home office with practical design tips and innovative wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes.

A. Maximizing Vertical Space

Maximize the vertical space in your small home office by installing wall-mounted shelves, file organizers, or creative storage solutions that optimize your available room without sacrificing style.

B. Choosing the Right Furniture

Select furniture pieces that offer multiple functions, such as desks with built-in storage or comfortable seating options that double as file cabinets or organizers, to make the most of your limited office space.

C. Incorporating Effective Lighting

Incorporate effective lighting into your small home office design, combining natural light, task lighting, and ambient lighting to create a well-lit workspace that encourages alertness, focus, and productivity.

4. Adapting and Evolving Your Small Home Office Design

Ensure that your small home office design remains adaptable and evolves as your needs and preferences change, embracing versatile wall decor and furnishings that can withstand the test of time.

A. Regularly Updating Your Decor

Regularly update your small home office decor with fresh wall decals or wallpaper patterns from Simple Shapes, keeping your workspace feeling fresh, inspiring, and visually appealing.

B. Embracing Flexibility and Versatility

Embrace flexibility and versatility in your home office design, selecting wall decor and furnishings that enable easy adaptations, reconfigurations, or conversions as your work habits or requirements change.

C. Incorporating Personal Touches

Add personal touches and unique accents to your small home office, harnessing the power of customized wall decals, statement wallpaper designs, or inspirational wall art to create a space that reflects your personality and style.


Creating a stylish, functional, and inspiring small home office is within reach, thanks to the innovative wall decor solutions offered by Simple Shapes. By understanding the importance of optimized workspaces, utilizing wall decals and wallpaper for storage and organization solutions, and following practical design tips for small spaces, you can transform even the most cramped quarters into a beautiful and effective workspace.

Embrace the challenge of small home office design with Simple Shapes' versatile wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, maximizing and optimizing your space regardless of its limitations. With a little creativity, strategic planning, and clever use of wall decor, you can craft a home office sanctuary that's both practical and beautiful, ultimately enhancing your productivity, focus, and overall work experience.

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kids room
January 02, 2024

Revamping Your Kids' Play Area: Design Tips Using Wall Decals and Wallpaper

A thoughtfully designed and attractive play area can greatly encourage children's creativity, imagination, and social skills. A well-conceived children's play area should be not only visually appealing but also functional, able to grow with the child over time. One of the most impactful ways to create a vibrant and stimulating play area is by using innovative wall decor solutions, such as those offered by Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints.

This blog article will explore creative design tips and ideas for revamping your children's play area using Simple Shapes' wide range of wall decals and wallpaper products. We will delve into the importance of considering functionality in play area design, discuss how to choose age-appropriate wall decor elements, and provide inspiring ideas for various play area themes. With a little creativity and the right wall decor, you can transform your kids' play area into an engaging, colorful, and imagination-inspiring space.

Join us as we dive into the wonderful world of play area design using Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor products, providing parents with valuable insights and ideas for crafting an appealing and engaging space that nurtures children's creativity, encourages social interaction, and offers endless opportunities for learning and fun. With the right planning and design choices, it's possible to create a play area that your children will cherish and enjoy for years to come.

1. Considering Functionality in Play Area Design

Understand the crucial role of functionality in children's play area design, ensuring that your space is both visually appealing and practically tailored to meet the needs of your child's activities and interests.

A. Factoring in Your Child's Interests

Take into account your child's unique interests, hobbies, and play habits when planning the play area layout and selecting wall decor elements to create a space that caters to their individual preferences.

B. Prioritizing Safety and Surveillance

Ensure that your play area design prioritizes safety and offers clear sightlines for parental supervision, incorporating wall decals and wallpaper patterns that enhance visibility without sacrificing visual appeal.

C. Flexibility for Growth and Development

Design a play area that can adapt and evolve as your child grows and their needs change, selecting versatile wall decals and wallpaper designs that can be easily updated or replaced.

2. Incorporating Age-Appropriate Wall Decor Elements

Discover how to choose and use age-appropriate wall decor elements, such as wall decals and wallpaper, to create visually stimulating and engaging play areas for children of all ages.

A. Infants and Toddlers

For young children, select wall decals and wallpaper featuring vibrant colors, bold shapes, and simple patterns to stimulate their visual development and provide a visually engaging environment.

B. Preschool and School-Age Children

Opt for wall decor that encourages learning, creativity, and imagination for preschool and school-age children, such as alphabet and number decals, world maps, or interactive chalkboard designs.

C. Preteens and Teenagers

Choose wall decals and wallpaper patterns that reflect your preteen or teenager's unique tastes, interests, and hobbies, allowing them to express their individuality through their play area design.

3. Inspiring Ideas for Play Area Themes Using Simple Shapes Decals and Wallpaper

Explore creative and inspiring ideas for play area themes using Simple Shapes' extensive range of wall decals and wallpaper products, creating an exciting and engaging space for your children to immerse themselves in playtime.

A. Nature and Outdoor Exploration

Create an imaginative and immersive outdoor-themed play area using realistic nature-inspired wall decals, such as trees, flowers, and animals, coupled with complementing landscape wallpaper.

B. Adventure and Travel

Foster a sense of adventure and exploration by designing a travel-inspired play area, using world map decals or wallpaper featuring iconic landmarks to transport your child's imagination across the globe.

C. Space and Science

Inspire awe and curiosity by crafting a space or science-themed play area, incorporating wall decals featuring planets, stars, and celestial objects, or futuristic wallpaper patterns to evoke a sense of wonder.

4. Finishing Touches: Accessorizing and Arranging Furniture in Your Play Area

Learn how to accessorize your children's play area and arrange furniture to create a cohesive, functional, and visually appealing space that supports a variety of play activities and social interactions.

A. Selecting Coordinating Accessories

Choose coordinating textiles, decorative items, and storage solutions that complement your chosen wall decals and wallpaper to create a harmonious and organized play area.

B. Creating Zones for Different Activities

Arrange your play area furniture to create distinct zones for different activities, such as quiet reading, artistic expression, or active play, allowing children to move freely between experiences.

C. Incorporating Multi-Functional Furniture

Opt for multi-functional furniture pieces that provide storage, organization, and seating in a single unit, maximizing your play area's available space and ensuring versatility and adaptability over time.


Revamping your child's play area using Simple Shapes' unique and high-quality wall decals and wallpaper can significantly enhance the space's visual appeal, stimulation, and functionality. By considering play area functionality, incorporating age-appropriate wall decor elements, exploring inspiring ideas for play area themes, and accessorizing and arranging furniture thoughtfully, you can create a fabulous and engaging environment that nurtures your child's creativity, imagination, and social skills.

Embrace the endless design possibilities offered by Simple Shapes' extensive range of wall decals, wallpaper, and prints to create the perfect play area for your children, tailored precisely to their unique needs, interests, and abilities. With careful planning, inspiration, and innovative wall decor solutions, a vibrant and engaging play area that your children will love and cherish is well within reach.

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kids room
December 26, 2023

Redefining Your Kid's Bedroom with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

Creating a magical bedroom that grows with your child can be challenging - children are full of imagination, curiosity, and ever-changing interests, which makes designing a space for them uniquely complex. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers an extensive range of innovative products that can help you design the perfect kid's bedroom - a space that stimulates creativity, fosters personal growth, and brings dreams to life.

This blog article will explore various aspects of children's bedroom design, providing valuable insights and guidance on selecting the ideal wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes to enhance your child's space. We will discuss the importance of understanding children's unique needs and preferences in designing their bedrooms, provide tips for choosing the right wall decals and wallpaper to suit various age groups and interests, and offer practical advice and inspiration for incorporating Simple Shapes' products into your child's bedroom environment.

Join us as we delve into the world of children's bedroom design with Simple Shapes, discovering the endless possibilities of enhancing your child's space with minimal effort yet staying in line with their evolving needs and tastes. Whether your child dreams of exploring the cosmos, wishes for a fairytale kingdom, or simply loves bold colors and patterns, together, we will create a sanctuary that not only fosters creative expression and self-discovery but also becomes a cherished space that reflects your child's unique personality.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Understanding Children's Unique Needs and Preferences in Bedroom Design

Gain valuable insights into the importance of considering your child's unique needs, interests, and preferences when designing their bedroom, ensuring a space that fosters personal growth and creative expression.

A. The Evolving Needs of Growing Children

Learn about the significance of creating adaptable spaces that accommodate the ever-changing needs of growing children, from infants to teens, providing a seamless transition through various developmental stages.

B. Fostering Creativity, Independence, and Self-Discovery

Understand the essential role of imaginative spaces in promoting your child's creativity, independence, and self-discovery, contributing to their overall development and well-being.

C. Particle Wall Decor Options for Children's Bedrooms

Explore the benefits of removable and easy-to-install wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes, allowing for effortless updates as your child grows – adapting their space in line with their changing interests and preferences.

2. Selecting the Right Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Your Child's Age Group and Interests

Discover the process of selecting the perfect wall decals and wallpaper designs that cater to your child's age group, interests, and personal style, enhancing the appeal and functionality of their bedroom environment.

A. Engaging Designs for Younger Children

Delve into the world of engaging themes and designs specifically tailored for younger children, from whimsical animals and storybook characters to bright colors and playful patterns, using Simple Shapes' versatile wall decor options.

B. Inspiring Spaces for Pre-Teens

Uncover the exciting possibilities of designing pre-teen bedrooms using Simple Shapes' wall decor, incorporating dynamic patterns, motivational quotes, and creative designs that inspire learning and personal growth.

C. Stylish and Expressive Environments for Teenagers

Explore the myriad of chic, on-trend designs for teenagers, selecting from Simple Shapes' wide range of wall decals and wallpaper that allow your teen to express their evolving tastes and aspirations effortlessly.

3. Creative Applications of Simple Shapes' Wall Decor in Children's Bedroom Design

Be inspired by unique and innovative ideas on incorporating Simple Shapes' wall decals, wallpaper, and prints into your child's bedroom design, maximizing their contribution towards an engaging and functional environment.

A. Themed Bedroom Design Ideas

Discover the potential of transforming your child's bedroom into an immersive environment by utilizing Simple Shapes' extensive range of themed decals and wallpaper, transporting them to their very own wonderland, outer space, or any other fantastical realm.

B. Functional Wall Decor Solutions

Learn about the benefits of integrating functional wall decor elements in your child's bedroom, such as growth charts, dry-erase brainstorming boards, and educational wall prints that combine creativity and utility into one cohesive space.

C. Customizable and Personalized Wall Art

Explore the exciting world of customizable and personalized wall decor options from Simple Shapes, allowing you to create exclusive designs that showcase your child's unique personality and aspirations.

4. Additional Design Considerations for a Fun and Functional Kid's Bedroom

Consider various design elements, furniture pieces, and accessories that complement Simple Shapes' wall decals and wallpaper, ensuring a harmonious, fun, and functional children's bedroom environment.

A. Storage Solutions for an Organized Space

Learn about incorporating clever and aesthetically pleasing storage solutions in your child's bedroom, keeping their environment tidy while complementing the overall look and feel of the wall decor.

B. The Importance of the Right Furniture Pieces

Understand the significance of selecting age-appropriate and style-conscious furniture pieces that work harmoniously with your chosen wall decor, providing your child with a comfortable and functional space for rest and play.

C. Lighting Solutions for Safety and Ambiance

Explore the crucial role of proper bedroom lighting, ensuring your child's safety while creating a welcoming and calming ambiance that works well with Simple Shapes' wall decor choices.


Designing a fun, engaging, and functional bedroom for your growing child can offer both exciting possibilities and unique challenges. By taking the time to consider your child's age, interests, and ever-changing needs, you can make informed decisions on selecting the perfect wall decor solutions provided by Simple Shapes. By embracing the creative potential and versatility of their high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, you can effortlessly transform your child's space into a sanctuary that fosters personal growth, self-expression, and cherished memories.

Choose to create an environment that not only captivates and inspires your child but also provides the flexibility to evolve alongside them, nurturing their dreams and aspirations with every stage of growth. With Simple Shapes by your side, you and your child can embark on a rewarding journey together, hand-in-hand, carving out a special corner of the world that reflects who they are and celebrates every milestone they achieve.

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wall decor
December 26, 2023

Upgrading Your Home Office with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

In today's fast-paced world, with flexible work schedules and remote employment opportunities becoming increasingly popular, having a dedicated home office space is essential for many people. Designing a home office that not only caters to your professional needs but also inspires creativity, focus, and motivation can significantly impact your productivity and overall well-being. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers an extensive range of innovative products that can help you design the perfect home office environment.

In this blog article, we will explore various aspects of home office design, providing valuable insights and guidance in selecting the ideal wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes to enhance your workspace. We will discuss the psychological impact of wall decor on productivity, provide tips for choosing the right wall decals and wallpaper to suit your personal style, and offer practical advice and inspiration for incorporating Simple Shapes' products into your home office environment.

Join us as we delve into the world of home office design with Simple Shapes, discovering the endless possibilities of enhancing your workspace with minimal effort yet staying in line with the latest interior design trends. Whether you prefer a modern minimalist design, classic sophistication, or an eclectic and bold aesthetic, together, we will create a personalized home office that not only caters to your professional needs but also serves as a sanctuary where you can reach your full potential and achieve your career goals.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. The Psychological Impact of Wall Decor on Productivity

Explore the importance of wall decor in creating an inspiring and functional home office space, understanding its psychological effects on productivity, focus, and motivation.

A. Color Theory and Its Effects on Mood

Learn about the significance of color in wall decor and how selecting the right hues can influence your mood, concentration, and creative thinking in your home office.

B. The Role of Visual Stimulation in Work Performance

Discover the link between visual stimulation, such as patterns, images, and artwork, and work performance, uncovering the benefits of incorporating visually appealing wall decor elements in your home office design.

C. Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality in Wall Decor

Understand the key to achieving an optimal balance between aesthetics and functionality when choosing wall decor for your home office, ensuring a cohesive and productive workspace.

2. Choosing the Right Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Your Home Office Style

Delve into the process of selecting the perfect wall decals and wallpaper that cater to your home office design preferences, enhancing the appeal and functionality of your workspace.

A. Modern Minimalist Wall Decor Options

Uncover the advantages of using wall decor from Simple Shapes to create a modern minimalist aesthetic, characterized by clean lines, neutral tones, and a clutter-free environment for focused thinking.

B. Classic Sophistication with Timeless Patterns

Explore the various ways to introduce classic sophistication to your home office through timeless patterns, elegant designs, and refined color palettes with Simple Shapes' wallpaper and wall decal options.

C. Eclectic and Bold Wall Decor Solutions

Unleash your creative expression by incorporating eclectic and bold wall decor elements from Simple Shapes, showcasing your unique personality, and stimulating innovative ideas in your home office.

3. Practical Applications of Simple Shapes' Wall Decor in Home Office Design

Gain inspiration from unique and practical ideas on incorporating Simple Shapes' wall decals, wallpaper, and prints into your home office design, enhancing the overall appearance and functionality of your workspace.

A. Zone Marking with Wall Decor

Learn how to use wall decor from Simple Shapes to mark specific zones in your home office, such as brainstorming, relaxation, or storage areas, effectively maximizing space and organization.

B. Using Wall Decals for Office Organization and Time Management

Discover innovative ways to integrate wall decals, like dry-erase calendars and to-do lists, into your home office design, promoting effective time management and organization.

C. Matching Wall Decor with Office Furniture and Accessories

Understand the art of coordinating wall decor with your office furniture and accessories, reinforcing a cohesive look that ties your entire workspace together aesthetically.

4. Additional Home Office Design Considerations

Consider various design elements, furniture pieces, and accessories that complement Simple Shapes' wall decals and wallpaper, ensuring a harmonious, efficient, and inspiring home office environment.

A. Ergonomic Furniture Selection

Learn about the importance of ergonomic furniture options to enhance your comfort, well-being, and work performance throughout your workday without compromising style.

B. Office Lighting for Optimal Productivity

Understand the critical role of proper office lighting, enhancing your productivity, reducing eye strain, and creating an inviting ambiance in your home office.

C. Storage Solutions for a Clutter-Free Workspace

Discover the benefits of incorporating versatile storage solutions in your home office design, keeping your workspace organized while complementing the overall look and feel of your wall decor.


As the lines between work and home continue to blur, creating a personalized and well-designed home office environment becomes increasingly important for ensuring productivity, focus, and motivation. By considering the psychological impact of wall decor and selecting the right wall decals and wallpaper for your design style, you can transform your home office into a space that caters to both your professional needs and personal aesthetic preferences.

Simple Shapes offers an extensive range of innovative products perfect for any home office style, be it minimalist, classic, or bold. Discover the endless possibilities of wall decor as you design your ideal workspace, creating a sanctuary that fuels your creativity and supports your career aspirations. With the right balance of aesthetics and functionality, your home office will become a place where every workday is an opportunity for success and personal growth.

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wall stickers
December 19, 2023

Tips for Using Wall Decals and Wallpaper from Simple Shapes to Create Illusions of Space

As urban living continues to grow in popularity, the challenge of maximizing small spaces while maintaining a comfortable and visually appealing environment becomes increasingly relevant to homeowners and renters alike. Incorporating high-quality and removable wall decals, wallpaper, and prints from Simple Shapes, an American home décor company, can provide a cost-effective and transformative solution for those looking to make the most of their compact living spaces. With a diverse and versatile range of products characterized by their striking simplicity and modern aesthetic design, Simple Shapes offers creative opportunities for enhancing diminutive interiors while creating the illusion of additional space.

In this blog article, we will delve deep into small space optimization, harnessing the potential of Simple Shapes' wall décor solutions to breathe new life into confined interiors. We will discuss selecting appropriate wall decals and wallpaper designs that cultivate a sense of increased space, as well as functional and space-saving solutions that maximize utility and aesthetics. Additionally, we will provide insights on strategic placement and design principles that can optimize the perception of space and depth when using Simple Shapes products in small living areas.

Join us as we explore the potential of maximizing small spaces with Simple Shapes' innovative wall décor solutions and uncover creative ways to create illusions of additional space. Learn how to leverage the power of removable wall decals, wallpaper, and prints to transform limited living areas into comfortable, stylish, and seemingly larger environments through expert advice, clever design, and strategic placement techniques.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Selecting Wall Decals and Wallpaper Designs to Enhance Space Perception

Discover the variety of wall decor designs from Simple Shapes that can elevate the overall visual appeal of your compact spaces while creating the illusion of a larger room.

A. Choosing Light and Neutral Colors

Uncover how selecting wall decals and wallpaper with light and neutral colors can help your small spaces feel more open and spacious, giving the room an airy and uncluttered appearance.

B. Opting for Minimalist and Streamlined Patterns

Learn about the benefits of utilizing minimalist and streamlined designs in your small spaces, providing a sense of increased depth and dimension without overwhelming the room.

2. Functional and Space-Saving Wall Decor Solutions

Master the art of optimizing the functionality and utility of your space with Simple Shapes' innovative and versatile wall decor solutions.

A. Integrating Vertical Elements and Storage

Explore ideas for incorporating vertical storage elements and designs into your small spaces, making the most of unused wall areas and drawing the eye upwards for an increased sense of height.

B. Multifunctional Wall Decals and Wallpaper

Discover the possibilities of multifunctional wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes, offering visually appealing and practical solutions to maximize your space usage.

3. Strategic Placement of Wall Decor to Optimize Space Perception

Uncover the secrets of strategic wall decor placement to create the illusion of additional depth and space within your compact interiors.

A. Using Wall Decals and Wallpaper to Draw the Eye

Learn how to gracefully employ wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes to draw the eye towards specific points of the room, directing attention and fostering an impression of larger dimensions.

B. Creating Focal Points and Accents

Delve into the techniques of designing focal points and accents using Simple Shapes products, guiding the viewer's gaze around the room and fostering a more spacious atmosphere.

4. Cohesive Design Principles to Maximize Small Spaces

Discover the importance of maintaining a cohesive and harmonious design when maximizing small spaces, ensuring a visually attractive and seemingly larger environment.

A. Coordinating Color Schemes and Patterns

Uncover the impact of coordinating color schemes and patterns in your small spaces, establishing unity and consistency which contribute to the perception of a larger area.

B. Balancing Visual Weight and Proportions

Learn how titrating visual weight and proportions in compact spaces using Simple Shapes wall decor prevents overburdening the room, maintaining a balanced and cohesive design.


With the increasing prevalence of urban living and small-space environments, it has become paramount to find innovative and attractive solutions for maximizing our limited interiors. Simple Shapes' diverse and versatile range of high-quality, removable wall decals, wallpaper, and prints provide an excellent foundation for transforming compact spaces into inviting and seemingly larger environments.

By selecting wall decor designs that enhance space perception, implementing functional and space-saving solutions, and approaching your small-space design with strategic placement and cohesion, you can harness the potential of Simple Shapes' products to create the illusion of additional space. Embrace the opportunity to breathe new life into your limited living areas through expert advice, clever design, and strategic placement techniques utilizing Simple Shapes' striking and modern wall décor solutions.

Expand your horizons and let Simple Shapes help you make the most of your small spaces, optimizing both your interior design and overall living experience. Discover the transformative power of wall decor and embrace the possibilities of creating visually appealing, comfortable, and seemingly larger environments within the constraints of your compact home or apartment.

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December 19, 2023

Embracing a Scandinavian-Inspired Interior: Incorporating Minimalist Wall Decor Solutions from Simple Shapes

Scandinavian-inspired interior design has garnered widespread popularity over recent years due to its charming blend of minimalism, functionality, and natural warmth. For those seeking to incorporate this aesthetic into their own homes, Simple Shapes offers a range of unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints that can be effortlessly integrated into a Scandinavia-inspired design. Famed for their striking simplicity and modern aesthetic design, Simple Shapes' products cater to both homeowners and commercial clients seeking to enhance their indoor spaces with easy-to-install and removable wall decor solutions.

In this blog article, we will delve into the captivating world of Scandinavian-inspired interior design and explore how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can be utilized to create distinctively stylish and functional environments. We will outline the key components of a Scandinavian-inspired aesthetic, guide you through selecting the most suitable wall decals and wallpaper designs to complement this design style, and provide practical tips for integrating Simple Shapes' products into your existing or new interior decor.

Join us on this journey to embrace the captivating simplicity of Scandinavian-inspired design, and learn how Simple Shapes can help you achieve the perfect balance of form and function with their minimalist wall decor solutions. Create warm and inviting living spaces that are both stylish and functional, incorporating the principles of Scandinavian design and using Simple Shapes' products to capture and elevate this timeless aesthetic.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Key Components of Scandinavian-Inspired Interior Design

Gain a deeper understanding of the primary design principles and elements that define the essence of Scandinavian-inspired aesthetics.

A. Simplicity and Minimalism

Explore the significance of simplicity and minimalism within Scandinavian design and learn how to incorporate these principles into your home using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions.

B. Functionality and Practicality

Uncover the importance of functionality and practicality in Scandinavian-inspired interiors and discover how incorporating well-designed, functional wall decor from Simple Shapes can elevate your space.

C. Use of Natural Elements

Delve into the Nordic appreciation for nature and its influence on Scandinavian design, and learn how Simple Shapes' products can evoke a connection to the natural world within your interiors.

2. Selecting Suitable Wall Decals and Wallpaper Designs

Discover the range of Simple Shapes wall decals, wallpaper, and print designs that perfectly align with the minimalist yet warm essence of Scandinavian-inspired aesthetics.

A. Choosing Neutral Color Palettes

Understand the role of neutral, earthy color palettes in Scandinavian interiors and learn about Simple Shapes' offerings that embody these serene hues.

B. Focusing on Minimalist Patterns and Motifs

Explore the minimalist patterns and motifs that are characteristic of Scandinavian design, and how Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can help you seamlessly incorporate them into your home.

3. Practical Tips for Integrating Simple Shapes Products into a Scandinavian Design

Learn how to successfully incorporate Simple Shapes' minimalist wall decor solutions into your existing or new Scandinavian-inspired interior design.

A. Balancing Clean Lines, Textures, and Materials

Master the art of combining clean lines with a variety of textures and materials, creating a harmonious and balanced Scandinavian aesthetic using Simple Shapes products.

B. Styling with Intention and Purpose

Discover the importance of intentional interior styling and purposeful placement when using Simple Shapes wall decor to create inviting, clutter-free spaces.

4. The Impact of Scandinavian-Inspired Interiors on Well-being

Uncover the benefits of living in a Scandinavian-style home and learn how the usage of calming, intentional design can foster a sense of wellness within your living spaces.

A. Creating Calm and Harmonious Environments

Examine how Scandinavian-inspired designs contribute to the creation of serene, calming environments, and understand the role of Simple Shapes' decor in elevating this tranquil atmosphere.

B. Cultivating a Wellness-Driven Design Philosophy

Explore the connection between Scandinavian interior design and the concept of well-being, and learn how utilizing Simple Shapes wall decor can help you foster this wellness-driven approach in your home.


In the pursuit of simplicity, functionality, and natural beauty, Scandinavian-inspired interior design offers a refreshingly minimalistic approach that has universal appeal. Simple Shapes' diverse range of high-quality, removable wall decals, wallpaper, and prints provides a multitude of opportunities to seamlessly incorporate these design principles within any space, resulting in stylish, functional, and inviting living environments.

By understanding the key components of Scandinavian aesthetics, choosing suitable wall decor designs, and skillfully integrating Simple Shapes products into your existing or new interior, you can create captivating spaces that embody the serene essence of Nordic design. As you embrace the transformative power of minimalist wall decor, the impact of this timeless design philosophy can extend beyond aesthetics to foster a sense of well-being, calmness, and harmony within your home.

Experience the beauty and simplicity of Scandinavian-inspired design with the help of Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions, and let your interiors exude the warmth, functionality, and timeless elegance that have made Nordic aesthetics so endearing and sought-after. Create an inviting sanctuary that not only elevates your living spaces but also nurtures your overall sense of well-being, ensuring every corner of your home reflects the essence of Scandinavian design.

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wall stickers
December 12, 2023

A Multi-Sensory Experience: Transforming Interior Spaces with Textured Wall Decor Solutions from Simple Shapes

Interior design continues to evolve, incorporating new trends and techniques that aim to create spaces that are both visually appealing and emotionally engaging. One such approach involves integrating elements of texture into our living environments, transforming interior spaces into multi-sensory experiences that draw inspiration from the world around us. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers various innovative wall decor solutions specifically designed to capture this essence of texture and tactile allure.

In this blog article, we will guide you through the transformative power of textured wall decor and how Simple Shapes' striking products can elevate your interiors to new dimensions. We will discuss the benefits of incorporating textured wall decals and wallpaper into your interior design, and provide guidance on selecting the right materials and designs for your specific space. Additionally, we will share creative tips for seamlessly blending texture with existing interior elements, achieving a cohesive and unified aesthetic that is both visually engaging and emotionally evocative.

Join us in exploring the captivating world of textured wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes, and uncover the potential for creating immersive, multi-sensory experiences within the comfort of your own home. Embrace the allure of tactile elements, and transform your living spaces into engaging, dynamic environments that invite touch, curiosity, and an enhanced sense of connection to the world beyond your walls.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Benefits of Incorporating Textured Wall Decor Solutions

Learn about the advantages of choosing textured wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes, and how they can enhance the overall appeal and depth of your interior spaces.

A. Creating Visual Interest and Depth

Discover how incorporating texture can add dimension, depth, and visual interest to your interior spaces, making them feel more dynamic and engaging.

B. Enhancing Comfort and Warmth

Find out how adding tactile elements can increase a sense of comfort and warmth in a room, making your home feel more welcoming and inviting.

2. Selecting the Right Materials and Designs for Textured Wall Decor

Explore the variety of textured wall decor materials and designs available from Simple Shapes, with guidance on choosing the perfect options for your specific space.

A. Evaluating Texture Materials

Learn about the differences between materials such as fabric, vinyl, and embossed wallpaper, and how each can contribute to the desired texture and aesthetic in your space.

B. Choosing the Appropriate Design

Understand how to evaluate various designs of textured wall decals and wallpaper, taking into consideration factors such as scale, pattern, and color to suit your interior design style.

3. Creative Tips for Incorporating Texture with Existing Interior Elements

Master the art of seamlessly blending textured wall decor from Simple Shapes with your current interior design, creating a cohesive and unified aesthetic.

A. Complementing Texture with Color

Uncover the secrets to balancing and complementing textured wall decor with colors, ensuring harmony and cohesion throughout your space.

B. Mixing and Layering Textures

Learn how to effectively mix and layer different textures and materials, generating an engaging and visually appealing interior design that draws the eye and encourages touch.

4. Installing and Maintaining Textured Wall Decor Solutions

Ensure the longevity and beauty of your textured wall decor with expert guidance on proper installation and maintenance techniques.

A. Proper Installation Techniques

Follow a step-by-step guide to correctly installing textured wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes, ensuring a professional outcome and minimizing any potential damage to your walls.

B. Cleaning and Maintaining Textured Wall Decor

Discover best practices for cleaning and maintaining your textured wall decor solutions, protecting your investment and preserving the aesthetic appeal of your space.


Embracing the beauty and depth of textured wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes can lead to a transformative and immersive multi-sensory experience within your living spaces. By understanding the benefits of incorporating texture, selecting the appropriate materials and designs, and creatively blending tactile elements with existing interior features, you can elevate your interiors to new dimensions of visual appeal and emotional engagement.

Turn to Simple Shapes for innovative and bold textured wall decor solutions that will inspire and captivate while enriching your interior design. Embrace the opportunity to create dynamic, engaging spaces through the addition of tactile depth and alluring detail. 

In doing so, you will invite a sense of connection to the natural world beyond your walls, while fostering comfort, warmth, and curiosity within your home. Explore the transformative possibilities of textured wall decor, and let the magic of Simple Shapes' creations bring your living spaces to life.

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childrens room
December 12, 2023

A Kid-Friendly Approach: Beautify and Organize Children's Rooms with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

Designing a child's room can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. Creating a space that is not only visually appealing but also functional and inspiring is essential in fostering a nurturing environment for your child. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a range of innovative and versatile products designed to enhance and beautify children's rooms, making it easy to create fun, engaging, and organized spaces.

In this blog article, we will delve into the world of child-friendly room design using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions. We will offer tips and ideas for selecting creative and educational wall decals and wallpaper that encourage learning, curiosity, and creativity. Additionally, we will provide insights on utilizing wall decor to promote organization, ensuring your child's room is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Finally, we will share inspirations for creating an inspiring and vibrant environment that fosters your child's growth and well-being.

Join us on this delightful journey through the world of children's room design, as we guide you through the process of creating captivating and functional spaces using Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor solutions. Learn how to create a room that reflects your child's unique interests, encourages learning and curiosity, and provides a sense of comfort, fun, and organization – all while showcasing the modern design aesthetics and quality craftsmanship of Simple Shapes' products.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Selecting Creative and Educational Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Children's Rooms

Discover the benefits of incorporating creative and educational wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes into your child's room, fostering a space that encourages learning, curiosity, and creativity.

A. Alphabet and Number Wall Decals for Early Learning

Explore Simple Shapes' collection of alphabet and number wall decals, perfect for introducing young minds to reading and counting while adding a fun and visually appealing touch to their rooms.

B. World Maps and Science-Themed Wallpaper

Dive into Simple Shapes' range of world map and science-themed wallpaper, providing an engaging backdrop to pique your child's interest in geography, nature, and the scientific world.

2. Utilizing Wall Decor Solutions to Promote Organization and Functionality

Learn how to harmoniously blend aesthetics and organization by using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions to create a functional and orderly environment in your child's room.

A. Storage Solutions with Wall Decals

Master the art of integrating wall decals such as labels, calendars, and organizers that aid in keeping track of your child's schedule, chores, and belongings.

B. Room Dividers and Functional Wallpaper

Discover Simple Shapes' selection of room dividers and functional wallpaper, offering visually appealing options to help separate and designate play, study, and sleep areas within your child's room.

3. Creating an Inspiring and Vibrant Environment for Your Child

Add a touch of personality and vibrancy to your child's room with Simple Shapes' colorful and customizable wall decor selections, ensuring a space that reflects their unique interests and fosters their growth.

A. Customizable Name Wall Decals

Personalize your child's space with customizable name wall decals from Simple Shapes, allowing them to take pride in their room and feel a sense of belonging.

B. Themed Wall Decals and Wallpaper to Reflect Your Child's Interests

Explore Simple Shapes' wide variety of themed wall decals and wallpaper, perfect for catering to your child's unique interests – be it sports, art, animals, or space – ensuring a room that truly reflects their passions.

4. Ensuring Safety and Ease of Installation with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

Experience the peace of mind that comes with Simple Shapes' high-quality, easy-to-install, and removable wall decor solutions, ensuring child-friendly designs that prioritize safety and ease of use.

A. Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly Materials for Your Child's Room

Gain insights into Simple Shapes' commitment to using non-toxic and eco-friendly materials, ensuring that your child's room remains a safe and healthy space.

B. Easy Installation and Removable Wall Decor

Discover the convenience of Simple Shapes' easy-to-install and removable wall decor solutions, allowing flexibility to update your child's room as they grow and interests change.


Creating a beautiful, functional, and kid-friendly space using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions can make designing your child's room an exciting and rewarding experience. By selecting creative and educational wall decals and wallpaper that encourage learning and curiosity, utilizing wall decor to promote organization and functionality, and creating an inspiring and vibrant environment that reflects your child's unique interests, you can transform your child's room into a space that fosters their growth and well-being. 

With Simple Shapes' innovative and versatile wall decor solutions, creating the perfect child's room has never been easier. Embrace the potential of your child's space and transform it into an environment that nurtures their creativity, curiosity, and individuality – all while showcasing the modern design aesthetics and quality craftsmanship of Simple Shapes products.

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Seasonal Room Makeovers: Refresh Your Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions
December 04, 2023

Seasonal Room Makeovers: Refresh Your Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

With the changing seasons, updating and refreshing the overall look of your living spaces can help keep the atmosphere vibrant, dynamic, and inviting throughout the year. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a diverse range of innovative products that can effortlessly transform and elevate your interiors to match the spirit and aesthetic unique to each season.

In this blog article, we will delve into the art of seasonal room makeovers using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions, providing valuable guidance and creative ideas to help you adorn your living spaces with beautiful, seasonally inspired designs. We will explore the effects of color palettes and patterns associated with different seasons, offering tips on how to choose the perfect wall decals and wallpaper for various season-themed makeovers. 

Additionally, we will share unique insights and inspirations for incorporating Simple Shapes' products into your seasonal room transformations, creating stylish, changeable, and welcoming spaces that impress year-round.

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Embracing Seasonal Color Palettes with Simple Shapes Wall Decor

Discover the power of color in creating a seasonally inspired atmosphere within your living spaces and learn how to choose wall decor solutions that effectively capture the essence of each season.

A. Spring: Fresh and Invigorating Colors

Explore the possibilities of using fresh and invigorating colors, such as soft pastels and lively greens, to bring the feeling of renewal and growth into your living spaces using Simple Shapes' wall decals and wallpaper.

B. Summer: Vibrant and Warm Hues

Learn how to evoke the warmth and vibrancy of summer through the use of bold and bright hues, creating an energized environment with Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor solutions.

C. Fall: Rich and Cozy Tones

Upgrade your interiors with the use of rich and cozy earth tones, capturing the essence of autumn through Simple Shapes' thoughtfully designed wall decals and wallpaper.

D. Winter: Calming and Cool Shades

Discover the art of using calming and cool colors to create a serene and soothing environment during the chilly winter months, seamlessly achieved through Simple Shapes' wall decor products.

2. Selecting the Right Wall Decals and Wallpaper for Various Seasonal Designs

Gain in-depth insights into choosing the ideal wall decals and wallpaper to keep up with seasonal design trends, ensuring a visually stunning and dynamic living space throughout the year.

A. Transitional Wall Decor Solutions for Smooth Seasonal Shifts

Explore the range of Simple Shapes' versatile and easily removable wall decor options, designed for smooth and convenient seasonal room makeovers without compromising on style or quality.

B. Combining Trends and Timelessness in Seasonal Design

Learn how to strike the perfect balance between embracing current seasonal trends and maintaining a timeless aesthetic in your living spaces using Simple Shapes' wall decor products.

3. Creative Approaches to Incorporating Simple Shapes' Wall Decor Solutions into Seasonal Room Makeovers

Unveil innovative and unique ways to integrate Simple Shapes' wall decor products into your seasonal room transformations, reflecting the distinct beauty and energy of each time of year.

A. Creating Seasonal Accent Walls and Focal Points

Discover the art of designing captivating seasonal accent walls and focal points using Simple Shapes' diverse collection of wall decals and wallpaper, acting as eye-catching centerpieces for your seasonal makeovers.

B. Incorporating Seasonal Patterns and Motifs for Added Visual Interest

Learn how to add visual interest and a seasonal touch to your living spaces using Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions featuring nature-inspired patterns, festive motifs, and others aligned with the essence of each season.

4. Additional Design Elements for a Successful Seasonal Room Makeover

Consider various design elements and accessories that complement Simple Shapes' wall decor options, completing the seasonal transformation of your living spaces with style and cohesion.

A. Updating Furniture and Textiles for a Cohesive Seasonal Look

Understand the importance of updating your furniture and textile choices in accordance with your seasonal room makeovers, ensuring a unified and harmonious aesthetic throughout your interiors.

B. Seasonal Home Accessory Swaps for a Complete Transformation

Learn how to incorporate seasonally appropriate home accessories and decor accents that work hand-in-hand with your Simple Shapes wall decor solutions, offering a complete and seamless seasonal transition.

C. Maintaining a Functional and Well-Organized Space Throughout the Year

Gain valuable insights into maintaining a functional and well-organized living space, while still embracing seasonal design updates through Simple Shapes' practical and stylish wall decor options.


Transforming your living spaces to reflect the unique spirit and aesthetic of each season can provide a refreshing, dynamic, and welcoming environment year-round. Embrace the distinctive beauty and energy of each season with Simple Shapes' diverse range of wall decor solutions, designed to elevate any living space through striking, easy-to-install, and removable designs.

By understanding the significance of seasonal color palettes, selecting the ideal wall decals and wallpaper for your interiors, and incorporating creative design approaches, you can create stunning and engaging spaces, celebrating the essence of each season. Combine these seasonal wall decor updates with additional design elements, such as updated furniture, textiles, and home accessories, to achieve a complete seasonal makeover.

Embrace the power of seasonal interior design and redefine your living spaces with Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor solutions. Revamp your home interiors to align with changing trends and the specific atmosphere unique to every time of year, ensuring a visually stunning, dynamic, and impressive living environment all year long.

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Maximizing Small Spaces: Create the Illusion of Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions
December 04, 2023

Maximizing Small Spaces: Create the Illusion of Space with Simple Shapes Wall Decor Solutions

Working with limited living space can present unique challenges for homeowners and renters alike. Although not everyone has the luxury of spacious interiors, there are ways to make the most of small spaces and create the illusion of a larger, more inviting environment. Simple Shapes, an American home decor company specializing in unique, high-quality wall decals, wallpaper, and prints, offers a range of innovative products designed to enhance any living space, regardless of size constraints.

In this blog article, we will explore strategies for maximizing the potential of small living spaces through the use of Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions. We will uncover the influence of color and patterns in creating the illusion of additional space, offering tips on how to choose the perfect wall decals and wallpaper to open up and expand your interiors. Moreover, we will share inventive and unique insights for incorporating Simple Shapes' products into small living areas, enabling the creation of visually appealing, functional spaces that both impress and inspire.

Join us in discovering the endless possibilities for maximizing small spaces using Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor solutions. We will guide you through the process of transforming your limited living areas into stylish, spacious environments that showcase your personal aesthetic and foster a sense of comfort and ease. 

Continuing from the Introduction:

1. Harnessing the Power of Color and Patterns to Enhance Small Spaces

Explore the significant impact that color and patterns can have on small living spaces, and discover how to strategically use these elements through Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions to create the illusion of additional space.

A. Light and Neutral Colors to Open up Small Spaces

Uncover the benefits of using light and neutral colors in small living areas and learn how to choose wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes that effectively create the illusion of spaciousness and openness.

B. Strategic Use of Patterns and Textures

Gain insights into the strategic use of patterns and textures to draw the eye and add visual interest, effectively expanding small spaces through Simple Shapes' unique wall decor solutions.

2. Selecting the Right Wall Decals and Wallpaper to Maximize Small Spaces

Master the art of choosing the perfect wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes to optimize the perception of space in your small living areas, ensuring a visually appealing and functional home environment.

A. Focusing on Vertical Designs and Lines

Discover the power of vertical designs and lines in accentuating room height and creating the illusion of a larger space, achieved through Simple Shapes' innovative wall decor solutions.

B. Minimalist and Clutter-Free Wall Decor Options

Understand the importance of selecting minimalist and clutter-free wall decor options from Simple Shapes to maintain a clean, streamlined aesthetic in your small living spaces.

3. Creative Approaches for Incorporating Simple Shapes' Wall Decor Solutions into Small Living Areas

Delve into inventive and unique ways of integrating Simple Shapes' wall decor products into your small living areas, opening up your interiors and maximizing the potential of limited space.

A. Creating Focal Points and Visual Interest with Wall Decals and Wallpaper

Learn how to establish striking focal points and add visual interest to small spaces using Simple Shapes' diverse range of wall decals and wallpaper, capturing attention and shifting focus away from space limitations.

B. Utilizing Wall Decor for Functional and Multipurpose Spaces

Discover the art of using wall decor solutions from Simple Shapes to create functional and multipurpose spaces in your home, ensuring every inch of your living area is being used to its full potential.

4. Additional Design Tips for Optimizing Small Spaces and Enhancing the Perception of Space

Complete your compact room makeover with additional design tips and tricks that complement Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions, ensuring a seamlessly maximized living environment.

A. Strategic Furniture and Layout Choices to Maximize Space

Understand the importance of strategic furniture selection and layout planning in enhancing the perception of space in small living areas, working harmoniously alongside your Simple Shapes wall decor.

B. Optimizing Storage and Organization for a Clutter-Free Environment

Learn how to optimize storage and organization in your small living spaces, crucial for maintaining a clutter-free environment and allowing Simple Shapes' wall decor products to fully shine.

C. Utilizing Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces to Expand Spaces

Discover the time-tested trick of using mirrors and reflective surfaces to expand small spaces, beautifully complementing your Simple Shapes wall decor choices and creating a more open, spacious environment.


Designing small living spaces that feel inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and functional does not have to be an insurmountable challenge. By understanding and utilizing the power of color and patterns, selecting the right wall decals and wallpaper from Simple Shapes, and incorporating creative approaches to wall decor placement, you can successfully maximize limited space and create the illusion of a larger, more spacious environment.

With the added support of complementary design elements, such as strategic furniture choices, optimized storage and organization, and the clever utilization of mirrors and reflective surfaces, transforming your small living area into a functional and visually pleasing space is possible. Simple Shapes' innovative and versatile wall decor solutions perfectly emphasize this potential, enabling homeowners and renters alike to make the most of limited living spaces.

Embrace the potential of small space living and redefine your interiors with Simple Shapes' wall decor solutions. Create an inviting, functional, and stylish living environment that showcases the very best of your unique personal aesthetic, all while effectively maximizing the potential of your limited space.

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